Null Tower, New York City

The gym is usually Kari’s domain: at any given time, it’s very likely to find one of her duplicates there. When Torn hears the repeated sounds of two bo staffs clashing against each other, he assumes it’s just her. Until he actually enters the gym, where he sees that Kari is actually fighting someone else… someone he’s rarely seen here, if ever.

Noriko is on the offensive, doing her best to keep up with her purple haired opponent. At first glance she doesn’t seem to stand a chance: their gym clothes highlight Kari’s athletic build and Noriko’s lack of muscles, not to mention that the Asian-American is drenched in sweat while the Myridian seems fresh as a rose.

<Hey Torn. Look who’s joined me for practice> she greets him, without missing a beat parrying one of her opponent’s attack. Noriko’s silver eyes move towards him for an instant, giving Kari an opportunity. She disarms Noriko easily, then charges a blow and stops her staff just half an inch before hitting her on the nose.

<Not bad> she compliments her, doing an unnecessarily complicated motion with her staff.

<Don’t patronize me> Noriko answers, catching her breath: she’s clearly exhausted.

<No, seriously. I mean, yeah, you’re easily distracted and you’re ridiculously out of shape…>

<I guess I asked for it.>

<…but you have some moves. I can teach you how to fight properly, if you want.>

<I don’t want to take your place in the Vanguard, Kari. But the doctor has been bugging me about doing some physical exercise, and I think this qualifies.>

<Are you sure this isn’t about looking good for a certain someone?> Kari teases her with a wink.

Noriko takes the challenge and tries to hit her; Kari is so unconcerned that not only she doesn’t use her staff to deflect her punches, but defends herself using only one arm while talking with Torn.

<So what brings you here, mister tall red and mysterious?>

<Null is supposed to be training with me today.>

<Really? For what, awkward silences?> Kari jokes; anticipating Noriko’s movements, she takes her sparring partner’s arm and twists it behind her back. She’s not using enough pressure to hurt her, but it definitely ends the fight. It wasn’t anywhere near a fair fight, but Kari saw something.

<You really have a lot of pent-up aggression, girl. Is that what Torn’s doing? Anger management?>

<Kind of> Noriko answers, rubbing her wrist when Kari lets her go.

<Well, I know a thing or two on how to relieve some stress> the Myridian says, throwing a towel at Noriko who rolls her eyes before wiping the sweat off her face and neckline.

<Kari, I thought we were past this…>

<I’m not hitting on you, I swear! I’m just saying, I know this is a whole new experience for you, so if you have any doubts or want some suggestions don’t hesitate to ask me.>

<Oh for the love of… you talked to my father, didn’t you?>

<Are you two still talking about the training?> Torn asks, visibly confused.

<I mean you’re not asking relationship advice to this guy, are you?> Kari says pointing at Torn.

<Unlikely. I am under sworn oath to never talk to her about genitals again> he replies, dead serious.

Kari bursts into laughter, more for Noriko’s visible embarrassment than from Torn’s confusion.

<You guys are just impossible>– Noriko groans.

<She’s going out with Todd. Honestly, Torn, you must be the only one who hasn’t figured it out yet.>

<Going out where? You are leaving Null Tower?>

<I mean they’re together. As in, they’re a couple, get it?>

<Ah, I see. I believe the correct cultural response is to wish for their offspring to be male.>

<No they’re not getting married, Gods as far as I know they’re not even…>

<Alright THAT’S ENOUGH> Noriko protests, her silver eyes suddenly shining. If that wasn’t enough, it’s extremely clear from the tone of her voice that she’s not having fun anymore.

<Whoa, we’re just joking around okay? There’s no need to go scary-glowy-eyes on us, Nori.>

<I don’t know what it’s like on your planets, but just because we’re friends doesn’t mean we have to share everything, okay?>

<Sorry, I didn’t know it was such a big deal> Kari apologizes.

<Now I’m going to take a shower, then we’ll work on soul resonance again, and then I never want to hear another joke about my relationship with Todd, is that clear!?>

<Yes> both Kari and Torn answer at the same time; the second is thinking about clarifying that none of what he said was a joke, but once again he reasons that it’s better if he stays quiet.

They both watch her going away; only when Noriko’s left the room, Kari says:

<That girl needs to get laid so badly.>

<She is likely physically tired> Torn agrees, nodding solemnly. Kari looks at him perplexed.

<Come on, now I know you’re messing with me. Nobody is that clueless.>

<About what?>

Kari decides not to investigate further and creates a couple of duplicates to fight, just to be fair.


Under the hot shower, Noriko tries to make sense of the situation. She’s not really mad at her friends, they’re just trying to help her. She’s mad at herself: she’s the Slayer of Gods, after all!

She’s fought genetically engineered soldiers on the Moon and indestructible robots on the surface of a star. Then why is she so scared every time Todd gets too close to her? She knows he won’t hurt her, and even if he tried, she knows over a hundred ways to kill a man with her bare hands.

He’s been very patient with her. She’s wondered multiple times why someone like Todd would put up with such stupid drama. She needs to talk to someone about this. A friend.

Unfortunately, it’s not like she has many. Once she would’ve talked about this kind of stuff with Jane, but she’s burned that bridge. Kari is out of the question: she’s too direct, and her attraction for Noriko would complicate things. Talking with Torn would probably have the same results as talking to the wall. Max would be way, way too awkward after the whole Dionysus wine incident. There’s only one option left, as ironic as that might be…


Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria, Australia

Noriko sits on the grass, while Vesta floats slightly above it. The wildfire has completely vanished, and the two friends are looking at the shore of the nearby Tidal River.

<You want to discuss losing your virginity with “the Virgin Goddess”?> Vesta asks.

Noriko pretends to be incredibly interested in the grass beneath her.

<I didn’t expect you to be so direct> she answers shyly.

<It runs in the family. It’s about time you admit that you and Todd are a couple now.>

<Is there anyone that didn’t know about us? Except Torn, but he doesn’t count.>

Vesta smiles sincerely. There’s something reassuring in her presence, something that makes Noriko feel at ease talking with her.

<Well, I am a million years old, y’know. Eventually, you learn to pick up some clues. Although I have to admit, I’m kind of surprised you came to me. I expected you to talk with Catherine.>

<I trust Dr. Kalama, yes, but she’s also in a relationship with my father. And you know how he is.>

<And you don’t like the idea of seeing someone as a mother figure, don’t you?>

<I guess so. You’re surprisingly good at this, Vesta. You should go into counseling.>

<I’m a good listener. Whatever you need to tell me, just spit it out.>

<I hate being… vulnerable. Losing control> Noriko confesses, sitting with her knees to her chest.

<Everybody does>– Vesta shrugs, but Noriko replies indignant:

<I am not “everybody”. I’m not always… alone… in my mind.>

<That’s what’s bothering you? Nori, dear, I sincerely doubt Abyss or Void would…>

<I don’t want to hurt Todd. He’s only human, and I’m not anymore. But I can’t… I don’t… feel complete… when I’m alone. How do you do it, Vesta? You’re the only person I know that’s not bothered by… you don’t seem to mind being alone.>

<I wish to Gaea I had a friend to talk about stuff like this when I was your age.>

Vesta looks into the distance. Her mind is looking back at a time before humans lived in caves.

<Back in my day, the first duty of a goddess was to have babies. My mother had six kids with a god who ate his own children, for crying out loud! But I’m sterile, so that was out of the picture pretty much from the start.>

<If you don’t mind me asking… how would you know? I mean, aren’t you…>

<Come on, you know my family. And I don’t mean to brag, but I know what I look like. I’m not that naïve. You seriously thought no god wanted to sleep with me?>

<Which means I’m more virgin than the Virgin Goddess. That’s just great…>

<That’s not my point. You see, every god I knew wanted me for my body, and that wasn’t enough for me. I was alone for a really, really long time… until I was exiled from Olympus.>

<You’ve had relationships with mortals> Noriko deduces.

<I’ve been married at least fifty times. I’ve even adopted children. But eventually… everybody dies, and I don’t. That’s the downside of being a goddess.>

<I can’t imagine how that must feel like.>

<It’s not so bad. You learn to appreciate life while it lasts. You learn to take things slowly, so that two thousand years don’t feel like another million. Do you understand what I’m saying?>

<Not really, I’m afraid.>

<Life is short even for immortals and even gods can be heartbroken. So yeah, opening up to somebody else can be painful, but it can also make you much stronger than you think.>

<Being Null doesn’t make me more than human, but that’s not a bad thing> Noriko paraphrases.

<You’re a smart kid> Vesta compliments her, patting her on the head.

<Y’know, Vesta… I’m sure you were a great mother.>

The moment is ruined when something explodes in the river, sending a pillar of water into the air.

It’s such an unexpected event that both Null and Vesta are taken completely by surprise.

<What the… was that a bomb!?> Noriko comments.

<I think I saw something coming out of the…> Vesta adds, but she doesn’t complete the sentence because someone just put a hand over her mouth. There isn’t time to understand what just happened: Vesta immediately collapses. Noriko reacts as fast as she can; with just a flick of her wrist, the bracelet she’s wearing materializes a Genius Gun in her hand.

When she looks at the man in front of her to aim, she notices that he’s the one holding the gun and that she’s literally empty-handed.

<I don’t know who you are, mister, but you just made a big mistake> she threatens him; her silver eyes light up for intimidation, but the man seems more interested in the gun than in her.

She studies him. Slim build, head completely obscured by a hood and an impractically long scarf. There’s nothing to identify him properly. Once he’s satisfied with the gun, he crushes it in his hands like it was made of cardboard. Fighting him hand-to-hand is out of the question.

<Alright, you have my attention. What do you want?>

Still saying nothing, the stranger moves at amazing speed. Before she can blink, he’s already broken the bracelet and has violently ripped the buckle from her belt. By the time she mentally activates the Null Shield, he’s already taken off her leather jacket and crushed the shield projectors hidden the shoulder pads. He KO’d Vesta and disarmed her in two seconds flat: Noriko may be overconfident, but she knows this guy won’t give her a fair fight.

“Quantum, I need help, NOW” she calls out through the Neural Transmitter. The stranger tilts his head, as if he just realized he left his target with one last weapon. He steps forward, puts a hand on her mouth and lifts her by the jaw, which is more painful than it sounds. With his other hand he grabs her T-shirt by the collar and tears it off with one motion, then touches her navel.

Noriko feels a sharp pain, before a punch of pure kinetic energy hits her enemy in the face so hard he’s knocked several feet away.

<Are you okay? Did he hurt you?> Quantum asks her.

<I’ll live> she answers, touching her exposed belly and looking horrified at the blood on her hand.

That man just cut her skin to draw a pentagram around her navel.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.