New York City

Kristen Lynn has just arrived at Null Tower. The lobby is surprisingly quiet for such a recognizable building; it’s likely that many potential visitors are simply intimidated by the Nullbots.

The robots are designed to be humanoid, but there’s something creepy about their polished chassis, completely black except the large white Ø symbol on their chest and the very small serial number on the shoulder. Maybe it’s the fact that they don’t have a face, just a smooth black surface.

Todd Slate is waiting for her. They haven’t seen each other in years, but he’s been all over the news as Null’s public relations manager and de facto spokesman.

<Todd. You’re looking good; the corporate life suits you> she greets her.

<Kris. You haven’t changed a bit> he replies, trying to hide the fact that he’s checking her out. It doesn’t work.

<Aren’t you going to introduce me to your new friends?> she asks, pointing at a Nullbot.

<Please provide your identification> the robot orders, with a very deep voice.

<I was invited, I don’t see why… hey!> Kristen protests: as she reaches for her purse, the Nullbot snatches it from her hands and gets a step closer.

<Identity confirmed. Your weapon will be confiscated and returned at the time of your leave.>

<What weapon?> Todd asks; the robot returns the purse to Kristen, but keeps the small gun to himself. Both Todd and Kristen react with a disapproved tone, for very different reasons.

<You took a gun to an interview!?>

<What did you do to my phone? It’s dead!>

<Unauthorized electronic devices are not allowed within the Tower. You will be supplied with a complimentary N-Phone.>

<Aren’t you being a little paranoid?>

<You took a gun to an interview> Todd reiterates.

<Oh shut up. It’s for personal protection, I wasn’t going to shoot your girlfriend. So, ready to go?>

<Please follow this unit> the Nullbot instructs her, walking towards the elevator.

<You’re not coming?>– she asks Todd, noticing he’s not following her.

<She prefers doing the interview on her own.>

<Trouble in paradise? Already?>

<It’s none of your business, Kris. Or of your readers, for that matter.>

<We’ll see about that. C’mon, Creepbot, take me to your leader.>

Todd Slate looks at his ex girlfriend disappear behind the elevator doors, on her way to meet his current girlfriend and boss. He sighs.

<This is not going to be good…>


Operation Center

Kari Zel has been living on Earth for years now: she’s well accustomed to most of their traditions. She knows well that, unlike on Myridia, you’re not supposed to barge into a room without knocking, but old habits die hard. It’s completely worth it, though, because it allows her to see something unprecedented: catching Noriko Null not only wearing a classy green business suit, but checking her makeup with the help of a holographic mirror.

<I never thought I’d see the day. Is that lipstick?>

<Lip balm, technically. How do I look? Be honest.>

<I thought you agreed to an interview, not a date.>

<I just want to make a good impression, that’s all.>

<C’mon, Nori, it’s me okay? You don’t have to be secretive about everything. What’s going on?>

<Kristen used to date Todd> Noriko says, like it’s the world’s biggest secret.

<Oh for Gaea’s sake, don’t tell me you think he’s cheating on you. You can’t be that paranoid!>

<No no no, that’s got nothing to do with… you’re going to think this is stupid> Noriko sighs, gesturing towards the mirror. Six images are projected into the air, showing pictures of Todd next to different girls at different times in his life; each of them is then accompanied by at least ten smaller graphs listing various statistics.

<These are all the women who have had a relationship with Todd lasting more than a month. What do you make of this?>

<That you’ve given this a disturbing amount of thought.>

<Kari, I’m being serious.>

<I know, that’s the really disturbing part. Why do you even care?>

<You don’t see anything troubling about what all these women have in common?>

<No? Your boyfriend likes pretty girls, I fail to see the problem here.>

<Highly educated long haired white women, with an income within 90% of what he earns, no more than 2.7 years younger than him, no more than three inches shorter than him and with… considerable… assets> Noriko quickly explains, hesitating with the last words while trying to cover herself as much as possible with her blouse.

<You’re absolutely right, Noriko. This is really stupid.>

<Forget I said anything> she says, throwing her hands in the air to shut down the projector.

<I get it, you’re not the kind of girl he typically dates, but so what?>

<I don’t want him to be interested in me just because of this> Noriko answers, pointing at her head while at the same time her silver eyes shine.

<It’s a pretty big part of who you are, Noriko. Kind of hard to ignore.>

<Look, just forget I said anything. Besides, Kristen’s here> she changes the subject, noticing that the elevator has just reached its destination.

Kristen Lynn enters the Operation Center, looking around to make sure she doesn’t miss anything.

<Miss Lynn, welcome to Null Tower> she says, extending her hand.

<Miss Null. Thank you for finally meeting me> is the answer, accompanied by a strong handshake.

Kari stands next to them, smiling and clearly having too much fun.

<Miss Zel was just leaving> Noriko explains.

<Do I have to?>

<Actually, I do have some questions for her as well, if she doesn’t mind> Kristen suggests.

<Oh I don’t mind in the slightest> Kari answers, blatantly flirting with her.

<Maybe another time> Noriko intervenes.

-Really? Oh well. See you in the papers!

Kari cheerfully exits the room, while the two women left behind raise their eyebrows.

<You hire very colorful people, miss Null.>

<You have no idea. Shall we begin?>


A nearby café

Todd Slate is a regular fixture here. There’s only so much work he can do in his office: he needs to mingle with people, to feel the pulse of the people to manage Noriko’s public image. Unfortunately his girlfriend’s reclusiveness can make it harder than it needs to be, sometimes.

He’s drinking his coffee while reading the news on his laptop, when someone takes the seat next to him. An African-American wearing a hoodie, a baseball cap and sunglasses.

<Please don’t tell me that’s supposed to be a disguise> Todd tells him.

<How did you know it was me?>

<Because we work together? Come on Max…>

<Ssh! Don’t attract too much attention. I’m trying to keep a secret identity, y’know.>

<Yeah, sure, whatever. Do you need something, “stranger”?>

<I was just checking out on you. Everything good with your girl? I sensed some tension last day.>

<Did I miss a memo about having to share my private life with the team?>

<Look, Todd, I know we’re not really close, but I get the feeling that you and Noriko are having trouble because of me. If I knew that Kristen used to be your girl…>

<Forget it. I appreciate your concern… I think… but like I said, it’s private.>

<It’s not healthy to keep that stuff bottled up inside, man> another person adds, moving a chair to moving closer to them. And it’s probably the last person Todd expected.

<Mister Null? What are you…>

<Call me Bob, please. What seems to be the problem? You’re not thinking on cheating on my daughter with the blonde, right? I mean, I know she’s got a nice rack but…>

Someone screams, and surprisingly it’s not Todd by embarrassment. It’s coming from the streets, where people are shouting and pointing at the sky. The first car crashes, followed by dozens more as panic spreads with incredible speed.

Todd looks up to see what everybody’s pointing at: the Sun. There’s a black triangle over it, obscuring its view and casting a shadow over New York City.

<Please tell me this is one of Noriko’s space friends >Bob says.


Operation Center

Noriko was expecting a hard interview, and Kristen is delivering. She’s focused on the international incidents caused by Noriko and her team, which is already a lengthy list.

<The Vanguard is only trying to make the world a better place, miss Lynn.>

<But is it really up to you to decide? You wield more power than most countries; in fact, your company has been called “the first privately-owned superpower”. What would happen if->

Kristen’s words are interrupted by the red lights that flood the room.

<What’s going on?> she asks, concentrating on Noriko’s face when she takes a look at her N-Phone. The perfectly calculated pose is replaced by sheer surprise.

<Stay here> Noriko orders, standing up and storming towards the nearest door.

<The Hell I am> the journalist says, immediately following her into the short flight of stairs that leads directly to the roof. It’s not easy to catch up to her because Kristen is wearing heels, but when she does a part of her wishes she’d stayed inside.

<Oh my God> she says, looking at the sky.

There’s a pyramid floating above New York City, suspended in the air without any visible means.

Even on top of a skyscraper, the sound of chaos coming from all directions is clear. Noriko stands near the edge of the building, clenching her fists.

Quantum appears right next to her, still wearing his sunglasses.

<Is that what I think it is?> he asks.

<What the f##k is that thing, Null?> Kristen echoes him.

Noriko doesn’t need to answer, because the pyramid starts talking. It’s just a loudspeaker, but powerful enough to be heard miles away.

<<We are the Guild. This planet is our hostage. Pay the ransom and you will live. Somos el Gremio. Este planeta es nuestro rehén. Pague el rescate y vivirá.. Ωε αρε τηε Γθιλδ. Τηισ πλανετ ισ οθρ ηοθσταγε. Παυ τηε ρανσομ ανδ υοθ ωιλλ λιvε.>>

<That’s pretty bad> Quantum comments, probably with the understatement of the century.


There’s no time to fully absorb the words transmitted, to wonder why the Spanish translation feels off or what was that last language that only very vaguely sounded like Greek.

A small piece of the pyramid detaches from the base and flies with incredible speed towards the Headquarters of the United Nations. Only when it stops it’s possible to understand what it is: a throne, floating on a platform that apparently can ignore gravity. There’s a man sitting on the throne, his face obscured by a mask with the drawing of an inverted triangle.

Another two people soon join him: an Arabian-looking woman wearing very skimpy clothes and a white woman with blue hair wearing a tight white jumpsuit. The first is sitting on a flying rock, the second is simply floating in the air.

The throne comes close enough to the building to be within hearing distance of the people inside.

<I am the Scribe. Take me to your leader> says the man with the mask.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.