60,000,000 light-years from Earth

Under the light of the Uruk Galaxy that takes up most of the sky, Quantum inspects the four amphitheaters positioned around the arena by bouncing as a radio signal.

Inanna and Rhea are chatting in the first one, apparently reserved for the hosts of the tournament. The second amphitheater is similarly empty, with only Isis showing up: as far as Quantum can tell, she hasn’t moved a single muscle since her arrival. The third amphitheater is relatively packed, but Quantum prefers to stay as far as possible from the Greek pantheon: as soon as he recognizes Hera and Enyo among the spectators, he quickly transforms into light to change his direction. The fourth and last amphitheater, by exclusion reserved for the Sumerian gods, is completely empty.

These are not the only buildings on the arena: there are sixteen temples, each much larger than any mansion Quantum’s ever seen. He returns to one of them; not the one that was assigned to him as a contestant, but the one where the Vanguard is currently gathered… all of them: not just Null, Vesta and Torn, but there are two Kari Zel. Normally it’s impossible to distinguish a duplicate from the original, but now it’s easy to spot the pregnant one. She’s near her husband Kiros, together with some of the others spectators chosen… Lily, Voron and Ulysses.

<I couldn’t get inside any of the temples, but Hera and Enyo are here> Quantum reveals.

<Some of the contestants don’t want to show their faces before the fight, denying the adversaries a possible advantage. Smart move> Ulysses reasons.

<Let me guess: you’ve seen one of these tournaments before> Null tells him.

<Just once; I convinced Herakles to have me as his spectator. It was a nice opportunity to gather some intelligence, especially on Inanna.>

<“Herakles”? As in Hercules? The actual one?> Voron asks, looking at the legendary hero like this was the most amazing thing he’s ever heard. Ulysses looks at him dismissively, then at Null.

<What?> she asks, feeling uncomfortable under his intense stare.

<Nothing. Aside from a few… rather enjoyable personal details I discovered, I was able to confirm that Inanna is really as powerful as she claims. The winner will be able to wish for the death of any major god, with very few exceptions… Primordials and others from the Nine Gods. Anybody else is fair game.>

<Can she kill Ares?> Vesta asks.

<Vesta! You can’t be seriously…> Kari protests.

<Yes, I believe she can. Considering the effect that would have on Hera it would start a inter-pantheon war, but Inanna is reckless enough to do just that> Ulysses answers.

<We should wish for his death then. Believe me, he deserves it> Vesta insists, with her teammates finding her uncharacteristic bloodlust troubling.

<That wouldn’t be a very smart move> someone from the temple’s entrance adds, announcing the arrival of a young woman in regal clothes with a ring of fire floating above her head.

<Tyche! You’re competing too?> Null asks, finding the idea rather unbelievable.

<Who is this one?> Voron whispers to Lily.

<The goddess of luck and destiny, daughter of Hermes and Aphrodite> the alien answers.

<You just named two things and two people I didn’t think existed> the Russian admits.

<I’m just here as a spectator: I’ve chosen my husband Dionysus as my representative.>

<Seriously? He’s even less of a fighter than me>– Vesta comments.

<That’s the point. I’d like your team to win.>

<“Like” as in “use my powers to give you an advantage”?> Null asks.

<Precognition is considered cheating, so Thoth is preventing me from looking into the future: even I don’t know who will win this tournament> Tyche reveals.

<He can do that?> Kari says.

<I can’t see why not. He’s the God of Knowledge after all> Vesta shrugs.

<You said wishing for the death of Ares would be a bad choice. Why?> Noriko asks.

<Isn’t that obvious? Not only Hera would seek revenge, but you would simply give her control over his sector. Apollo and Athena would never accept that, declaring war against Hera and plunging the galaxy into a massive war> Tyche calmly explains.

<But they’re not here, and neither is Ares> someone reveals: without any other warning, Hermes has suddenly appeared in the room. And he’s immediately targeted by a Genius Gun, a red energy sword, and the glowing fists of both Vesta and Quantum.

<Hello, sunshine. We should really stop seeing each other this way> he says, winking at Null.

<I can think of a way to do that> she answers, powering up the Genius Gun but holding her fire.

<What are you doing here, father?> Tyche asks, more annoyed than worried.

<The same thing as you, my dear: I was invited by our most beloved Queen Mother. I guess she didn’t bother to check if I was still owning a sector. Did you figure out why you were invited?>

<It was your idea> both Null and Ulysses answer simultaneously, then look at each other visibly surprised that the other made the same deduction.

<Of course! The fights are selected at random, and what better way to ensure a lucky draw than having luck herself as one of the contestants?> Hermes continue to explain, in his flamboyant way.

<I could use the wish to kill you> Null reminds him.

<You’re welcome to try: my daughter is planning to use the same exact wish. But you’re forgetting the other wish that can be granted… eternal love.>

<Please, like you care about love> Null comments, rolling her eyes.

<Why wouldn’t I? Think about it: I can either wish for the death of a single god… or I can have the eternal, unconditional love of someone who can kill any god for me.>

<I think I’m gonna throw up> Null says, making a disgusted face. In the blink of an eye Hermes positions himself between Voron and Ulysses, with his arms over their shoulders.

<Don’t worry guys, I’ll try not to make you guys look too bad in comparison, okay? At least for the few first nights> he says, before disappearing altogether.

He’s left behind an awkward silence, broken when Noriko claps to get everyone’s attention.

<Alright! We don’t have a lot of time to come up with a plan. Tyche, Ulysses, can you gather some more information from the other gods?>

<I’m not exactly welcome among them. My time would be better spent dealing with strategy.>

<Sure, Ulysses. Lily, Voron, can I count on you to make some adjustments to my weapons?>

<It’s apparently all I’m good for these days> Voron laments, crossing his arms.

<Yes, hm, thank you. The rest of you guys can… I dunno, train or something> Null suggests.

<Actually, Voron, you have a few moments? I’d like to go over some things with you> Quantum asks, surprising the Russian who hasn’t spoken with him in months.

They walk outside the temple, watching Vesta and Tyche fly away while Torn disappears into a pentagram of fire and the two Kari move to another chamber to catch up with each other.

Voron looks up at the sky, admiring the Uruk Galaxy in all of its glory.

<I wish I had some equipment with me. The amount of astronomical data we could> he ponders, until he finds himself grabbed by Quantum and rather unceremoniously slammed against the wall.

<What the f##k is wrong with you!?> the American hero yells at him.

<I take it you’re not interested in astronomy> Voron deadpans.

<How can you treat Noriko like that? First you leave Midgard Station, then when she tries to make you part of the team you start acting like it’s beneath you?>

<If I wanted to act like her loyal puppy, I would’ve asked for your help> Voron answers.

<You’re really starting to get on my nerves, dude. I don’t know what your deal is, but if you even try to hurt Noriko…>

<There’s no need for threats. Have you considered that perhaps Null appreciates me because I don’t put her on a pedestal and I don’t treat her like a child?>

<Looks to me you treat her like you’re an a##hole> Quantum responds, letting him go.

For a moment the scientist seems shaken by the hero’s attitude, but he soon returns to his usual obliviousness as he heads back towards the temple.


Torn’s temple

The Demon returns to the building assigned to him, with the intention of meditating and getting a little rest before the tournament starts. His physiology doesn’t require much sleep, but given how intense his training regimen with Inanna has been, he’s looking forward to a little nap.

As soon as he enters the temple, however, he discovers that something’s off. Not only the torches have been extinguished, removing the only source of light, but he’s feeling something that no Demon can ignore… there’s a Blood user nearby.

He creates an energy sword, keeping it in his hand both for personal safety and as a source of light.

Something moves behind him, and Torn instinctively reacts: he turns towards the intruder, thrusting his sword. He reacted so fast that he recognizes his target an instant later, and all his three hearts miss a beat. Because he’s about to decapitate his youngest daughter, Lesion.

As a testament to Demon reflexes, he’s able to stop himself just a hair’s width before hitting her.

Lesion, still a child in Demon years despite being over fifty years old, reacts with a muffled cry for help: her mouth is covered by a gag made of red energy.

<It’s alright. Nobody will hurt you> he reassures her, inspecting the energy chains that immobilize her: they’re not secured to anything, but she’s being suspended in mid-air.

<Good old Torn, always making promises you can’t keep> a female voice taunts him. The chains move on their own and drag Lesion towards the woman with red skin that is now standing in front of the temple’s entrance: Torn didn’t even sense her arrival.

<Pain. Let my daughter go> he tells his sister, creating a second sword in the other hand and conjuring up another dozen just hovering around his body, ready to be thrown at Pain.

<Or what? After all these decades, you still think you can do anything against me?> the woman asks, crouching against Lesion. The child is struggling against the chains, even creating a small dagger in her hand but unable to hit her aunt with it.

<You have no idea of what I can do. Let. Her. Go. NOW.>

<Sure. I don’t want to spoil the big finish anyway> Pain concedes; the chains drag Lesion towards Torn and then disappear, leaving the child hugging her father’s leg.

<Daddy! Where are we!?>

<You should spend some time together. I asked for your daughter to be a spectator… I wouldn’t want to be the only Demon who witnesses your death, after all> Pain explains.

<Why, sister? What can you possibly gain by doing this?>

<“Why”? After all this time, you still can’t understand what it means to be a real Demon? Maybe I’ll get a chance to teach you very soon.>

<I’ve made up my mind. If I win the tournament, I’ll wish for your death> Torn reveals.

<I don’t think so. Because when I, not “if” but “when”, I win the tournament, you’ll be dead already… preferably by my hands, of course> Pain retorts.

<Daddy? Are you really going to kill aunt Pain?> Lesion asks.

<Yes. Yes I am.>

<I already told you, Torn. Don’t make promises you can’t keep> Pain says, casually throwing an energy knife at Lesion. Torn is fast enough to intercept it with one of his swords, but the knife splits into two sharp fragments before touching it.

Lesion deflects one of them with the dagger she’s still holding in her hand, but the other fragment flies next to her face. It only leaves a small cut on her cheek, but it does its job: it wasn’t designed to kill her… just to prove a point, and to have the last word.

Torn attends to his daughter’s wound, keeping his guard up even though Pain has vanished… once again managing to completely ignore Torn’s senses.

<Can I stay with you for the rest of the tournament, dad? Aunt Pain is really scary.>

<She won’t be for long> Torn promises, creating energy stitches for his daughter’s wound.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.