N01-Ragnarok, in orbit high above Aquilia

In the part of the ship housing the living quarters, Kari Zel’s duplicates are busy packing her bags, while her original body is hugging Vesta.

<Are you sure you want to stay?> Kari asks the goddess.

<Just a few months. I feel like I owe these people… I’ve left them alone for too long.>

<I appreciate the sentiment, but can you really do anything in such a short time?>

<I don’t know, but I have to give it a try. Worrying I’m leaving you behind is a little silly, isn’t it, considering you’re also coming with me?> Vesta asks, pointing at the duplicates carrying her personal belongings.

<It’s not the same thing. We’re always splitting up the Vanguard… it’s bad enough Torn keeps going back to Hell all the time, I miss when we were all together.> Kari admits.

<I won’t be long, I promise. I have no intention of ruling the planet, just fixing a few things that my mother has done.>

<Like electrocuting people because they worship other gods?>

<Yeah, stuff like that.>

<Speaking of your mom… is everything okay between you two? You did try to murder her.>

<It’s… a work in progress. She’s promised to leave me and Aquilia alone for the time being. I think I gained some of her respect.>

<By trying to kill her? I know I keep going back to it but…>

<It’s a god thing. Don’t worry about it, really.> Vesta says.

<Alright, I think we’re ready to go.> one of the Kari duplicates says, laying a suitcase on the floor.

<What is all this stuff? They do sell clothes on Aquilia, Kari.>

<Crappy ones, yes. But it’s mostly equipment to scan the planet… Noriko wants me to check some unusual readings she’s picked up.>

<I should’ve known. Keep an eye on our little genius while I’m away, will you? I worry about her.>

<You’re not the only one.> Kari admits.



The bridge

Quantum and another Kari duplicate exchange looks: they’re standing behind Noriko Null, who is staring intently at the data on the sensor screen. The words are moving too fast for them to read, but judging by how Noriko is scowling it’s not good news.

<Whatever it is, I don’t have time for it.> Noriko tells them before they can even say anything.

<It’s just… we’re still on Aquilia.> Quantum says.

<We’re not on Aquilia, Max. We’re in orbit.>

<But why? We saved Vesta and freed the planet… we’re done. We should go home.>

<Did any of you bother to check if MY mother was still on the planet!?> Noriko replies angrily, raising her voice.

<Your mom was here!?> Quantum exclaims, genuinely surprised.

<I studied the records of the priesthood’s database; the Aquilians look primitive by our standards, but they do have computers. A woman matching her description was seen recruiting a following. And as there are no Asians and especially no cyborgs on Aquilia, it was definitely her.>

<We never got the chance to read those records, the fight broke up before we went to the library.> Kari reminds her.

<How long do you think it took me to hack into their system and read everything?> Noriko asks rhetorically, her silver eyes shining.

<Then maybe she’s still around. I can do a quick search of the surface.> Quantum volunteers.

<Don’t bother. The sensors picked up a warp in the space near the planet, just after Zeus destroyed the barrier. It’s the same signature that Skorpios leaves behind. So my mother has probably joined the Zenith by now… maybe Roxiana as well. Just what I needed.> Noriko sighs, closing her eyes and holding the bridge of her nose as she feels a migraine coming up.

<At least we found Zeus!> Quantum tries to cheer her up.

<How is that good news, Max?> Noriko asks.

<Well… he seemed like a pretty chill dude. Plus he’s abdicating, so he’s not going to give us trouble!>

<I have to agree with Max, Nori. Zeus abdicating means the end of the Olympian pantheon’s rule over the Galaxy; I fail to see how that’s a bad thing.> Kari adds.

<If he resigns the crown goes to Hebe, who is completely under the influence of Hera. Plus the potential threat of Zeus was what kept the rest of the Nine Gods in check… he just made our entire Galaxy a gigantic target. And in case he changes his mind, look at this.> Noriko says, pointing at the screen as if its formulas mean anything to anyone else.

<He took no damage whatsoever from the Final Abyss. Zero, zilch, nada, nothing. I hit it with my best shot and it did jack s#it. We’re completely at his mercy. For the first time since… damn, since we faced Demeter… I don’t have any backup plan.>

Her teammates have rarely seen Noriko so dejected. She shuts down the program and stands up, slowly plodding out of the bridge.

<Take the Ragnarok back to Earth once Vesta has left. I’m gonna lie down for a while.>

Only once Noriko is out of the room Quantum asks:

<It’s not that bad, isn’t it?>

Kari doesn’t have the courage to answer the question.



Callipygian Nymph space station

Phlios system, 45,000 light-years from Earth

Leiko Tanaka and Skorpios are sitting on the opposite side of the table from Roxiana, staring at the former Nexus host in disapproval as she avidly drinks her third mug of wine.

<Barkeep! More!> Roxiana shouts, slamming the mug on the table.

<Haven’t you had enough?> Leiko asks.

<After being dead for so long, even the wine of this galaxy tastes fantastic. You think the phantom pain of losing a limb is bad? Fantom taste buds are way worse.>

<I’ll take your word for it. Speaking of your death… how did you die, exactly?> Leiko wonders.

<Ah well, you see, I was diagnosed with a bad case of the “none of your damn business” virus.>

<This is a waste of time. We should just get her Drylon device and kill her.> Skorpios suggests; it’s the first time she’s opened her mouth since arriving at the station.

<So this is what passes for a Zenith member now, uh? Simmer down, hotshot, you wouldn’t have lasted five minutes back in the day.> Roxiana dismisses her.

Skorpios swallows her anger: as much as she wishes to drop her into the nearest black hole, she has orders to keep a low profile. And the person who gave her that order just arrived.

<I don’t say this often, but this is a surprise.> Ulysses admits.

<Ulysses, dear, I should’ve known you’d look exactly the same!> Roxiana exclaims, standing up to hug him. He steps back, however, preferring to keep his distance.

<You look much younger. And I see you’ve accessorized.> he says, pointing at the Absolute Defense bracelet she wears.

<A little insurance. Just in case you were going to stab my back again, you know how these things go. So… still leading the Zenith, uh? How’s that working out for you?>

<Just tell me what you want, Roxiana.>

<You’re going to give me all the resources of the Zenith for my personal project. When I’m done, I will give you control the Olympian Galaxy to do whatever it is you want.>

<That is ridiculous! Who do you think you are to demand this!?> Skorpios wonders.

<Do I have your word that your project is not going to destroy any galaxy?> Ulysses asks.

<Not this time. I’ve fixed the bugs.> Roxiana answers.

<Then the Zenith is your to command.>

<You can’t be serious!!!> Skorpios shouts.

<Barkeep! A round for my friends to celebrate a new beginning! Trust me, girls, things are about to get wild.> Roxiana promises, her silver eyes shining.



Intergalactic space, 2 million light-years from Earth

Enyo has been flying nonstop for what feels like an eternity since she left the Stygian Galaxy, but even moving four million times faster than light it will take her months to reach her home.

The war goddess senses something approaching at a similar speed; as far as she knows, only Hermes has a ship capable of keeping up with her.

And in fact, once Enyo stops, one of the two goddesses leaving the Talaria ship is the daughter of Hermes: Tyche, the goddess of destiny and luck. And she’s accompanied by Nike, Athena’s right hand woman. Enyo is ready to fight, as per her natural instinct.

<We’re not here to fight, really! We’re here to help!> Tyche says, communicating through radio waves and raising her hands in sign of surrender.

<Need. Not.> Enyo replies, struggling to string together two words; the wounds sustained at the Strongest Under The Heavens tournament and the torture at the hands of Hades have not done her health any favors.

Still, even the goddess of victory knows better than antagonizing a goddess of war.

<We’re here on behalf of Athena. She wants to grant you asylum.> Nike explains.


<I foresee there’s going to be a succession crisis on Olympus.> Tyche says.

<And we’re putting you on the throne of Zeus.> Nike reveals.



N01-Ragnarok, Noriko Null’s quarters

Noriko takes off her leather jacket, leaving it on the floor as the door behind her closes. She looks at herself in the mirror, watching her silver eyes fading back to their natural brown.

She could use the Portal Generator to reach Earth in a second, but she needs an excuse to get some rest. As soon as she sits on the bed and takes off her boots, someone knocks on the door.

<Oh for the love of… come in.> she says. The door opens, and she’s surprised to see a Lar instead of one of her Vanguard teammates.

<Kylon? I didn’t expect you.> she admits. The Lar steps inside, looking around with curiosity.

<I’ve never been here before.> he says.

<I’m very particular in who I let inside my bedroom.> she replies, raising an eyebrow.

<Oh. Should I leave then?>

<I didn’t say that. Come in.> she replies, patting the side of the bed next to where she’s sitting. Considering Kylon gives her a puzzled look, she clarifies the gesture:

<This means “sit next to me”. What’s bothering you?>

<I came to check on you. You’ve been a bit off since you came back from… what’s wrong with your eyes?> he asks while he’s sitting.

<Nothing, I was born like this. I’m just relaxing my brain by turning off the Nexus… doctor’s orders. This is the real me.> she admits, pointing at her face.

<You should do that more often. You’re beautiful. Is that the same reason why your skin is changing color?> he asks, watching her blush.

<Yeah, sure, let’s go with that. You know, Kylon, you really went above and beyond your duties in our mission on Athena’s planet… and it’s not the first time. I haven’t forgotten you’re the reason I’m still alive after the whole Ares fiasco.>

<No, you’re alive because you’re Null. I’m convinced nobody can stand in your way.>

<Being Null is not as easy as I make it look. Having the weight of the entire galaxy on your shoulders takes its toll. I don’t get the luxury of just being Noriko.>

<But if you could, what would you do?>

<If I didn’t have to worry that at any moment Zeus and his family could destroy everything I’ve worked to create? Or that any crime committed by Roxiana will be my fault? If I could just be a regular girl, just once?>

<You’ve worked enough to deserve a moment like that.>

<You know what, Kylon? You’re right. I’ll probably hate myself for this once I’m smart again, but what the heck.> she tells herself, leaning on the alien to kiss him.

To say he’s surprised would be an understatement, especially when she moves to his lap.

<Are you sure? You’re technically my boss.> he manages to admit once she gets away long enough to remove her T-shirt.

<That’s a problem for tomorrow. Tonight I want to feel human.>

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.