Null Tower, New York City

Despite the fact that she rarely lives here, Noriko Null still considers the Tower her real home. Maybe it’s because it’s the closest thing to a normal environment that is still part of her life, or maybe it’s because her family lives here.

<Nori! I’ve missed you so much!> her half-sister Nalani exclaims, running towards her for a very enthusiastic hug. Uncharacteristically for Noriko, she reciprocates.

<I was getting worried, we haven’t seen you since the whole Harmonia business. You’ve been in space all this time?> Catherine Kalama asks. She might not be her personal physician anymore, but she still cares for her as if she was her daughter.

<Pretty much. I hope you guys didn’t have any plans for today, because I have some big news…>

<You’re getting married to that Kyle alien? That’s great, honey!> Bob Null says.

<What the… no, dad. First of all his name is Kylon, and we’re not…>

<Oh my god you’re pregnant!? I told him he should use protection even if he’s an alien!> he laments, too surprised to even noticed she called him dad instead of the usual “father”.

<What did you… nevermind. You guys better start packing, and put on your best dress.>

<What for? Where are we going?> Dr. Kalama wonders.

<I’m getting crowned today.> Noriko reveals.


Washington, D.C.

Todd Slate doesn’t get many opportunities to relax. His duties as Secretary of Homeworld Security keep him extremely busy, especially now that Earth is no longer hidden from the rest of the Galaxy.

He’s enjoying the simple pleasure of laying on the couch flipping through channels, when the familiar bright light of a teleportation device takes him by surprise.

<Hi Todd. Why aren’t you at work?> Noriko asks, without considering this is not how regular people receive visits… although her ex-boyfriend is more than used to this kind of attitude.

<It’s Sunday.> he replies.

<Oh. That’s right, I guess I lost track of time. Did you know there isn’t a single calendar accepted throughout the Galaxy? Even among the same sector, different planets have different systems. It’s a huge mess… it’s going to take me like a full week to come up with a solution!>

<Uh… okay. I’m glad you stopped by, there’s some big new I wanted to share with you first.>

<Same here, Todd. You go first.>

<I’ve decided to run for President.>

<President of what?>

<Of the United States. Are you okay, Noriko? I’ve rarely seen you so excited.>

<Well I guess I shouldn’t be, since it’s not something I ever wanted and I’m sure I’m going to absolutely hate it, but today is my big day. And I want you to be a part of the ceremony.>

<Oh. That’s unexpected, but congratulations. Who’s the lucky guy?>

<What? Oh for the love of… I’m not getting married, Todd. I’ll be crowned Co-Empress of the Galaxy. But, uhm, congratulations on the, uhm, the President thing. That didn’t sound too patronizing, didn’t it?> she asks, just realizing how her words must have sounded.


Tokyo, Japan

Shinobu Tanaka is a hard person to read. The former Black Knight of the Empire of Shadows and heir to the Tanaka fortune is wearing a traditional yukata as he discusses the news with his cousin Noriko; it’s night time in this hemisphere, but he shows no signs of being bothered by the visit.

She can’t help but hear the cries of a baby from the nearby bedroom.

<Please forgive the noise. My son has not yet been instructed in the art of silence.> he says.

<Since when do you have a son!?>

<Ten months ago. I did not inform you since I was under the impression you knew everything.>

<I’ve learned to limit the amount of unnecessary information I absorb. I had no idea you even wanted kids… aren’t you gay?>

<Sacrifices have been made in the interest of the Tanaka family name. And I would appreciate it if you didn’t speak of my… inappropriateness.>

<I should’ve expected you would be stuck in the past. Look, Shinobu, we’ve had our differences…>

<I have tried to kill you.> he nods.

<But I’m impressed by how much you’ve changed. You could’ve used my mother’s resources to double down on her connections to organized crime, but from what I gathered you basically bankrupted all the Yakuza families and you only operate legitimate businesses now.>

<You are not one for small talk, cousin. You have a proposition for me, don’t you?>

<I have a job for you. If you can spare a couple of days, we can discuss it after my coronation.>


Asgard Station, Null Zone

When Vesta accesses the station, she’s dressed in a considerably more formal way than usual: she’s wearing a red himation, highly decorated with gold trimmings. She floats towards the control center, where she finds Noriko Null working at her desk like this was a normal day.

<What in the name of Gaea do you think you’re doing?> she asks.

<Working.> Noriko responds nonchalantly, without pausing her typing on a holographic keyboard.

<It’s your coronation day! We have so much to do and you’re not even dressed!>

<What are you talking about?> Noriko replies, looking at herself: she’s wearing her trademark green leather jacket and black jeans.

<You’re going to wear that at the coronation? Seriously? I didn’t expect you to wear an evening gown, but I hoped you’d put at least some effort into this ceremony.>

<Hey, I’m wearing makeup. What more do you want?>

<If you want the other gods to respect your new position, Noriko, you should at least show you have a modicum of respect for Olympian ceremonies.>

<I don’t even follow the ceremonies of the religion based on me, Vesta. I’ll gladly let Hebe take care of that kind of stuff; I didn’t ask for the crown, but if you gods are going to respect me it’ll be because I have Zeus’ blessing. And, y’know, the fact that I killed a bunch of them.>

<Speaking of the crown… is that…> Vesta asks, approaching the object floating on a desk.

It’s a silver headband, a diadem with a constant stream of fire visible through a transparent band.

Noriko shuts down the holographic keyboard to show it to her friend, who seems fascinated by it.

<The fire inside it… that’s Tyche’s halo, isn’t it? You built your crown out of it!?>

<As a reminder for the gods to how I got the position. And as a reminder to myself of… nevermind.> Noriko quickly stops herself, glad that Vesta is also excited enough to change the subject.

<Is Zeus seriously going to allow you to bring your own crown on Olympus?>

<Not exactly: we’re not doing the coronation on Olympus. I can’t survive there, remember?>

<Hmm. I guess I hadn’t considered that.> Vesta admits.

Just then, the two are interrupted by the appearance of a pentagram. Agony, the current Lady Of All Demons, steps out of it.

<My apologies, my Regent, but you must follow me at once.>

<Agony, you are invited to the coronation. Couldn’t we just speak there?>

<This is more urgent. You have been summoned.>

<By whom?> Vesta asks, wondering who has enough authority to do this.


The Throne Of The Universe

Few mortals have been allowed to witness an assembly of the Nine Gods; fewer still have done so more than once. Only one has been summoned as if she was a goddess.

As soon as she steps out of the pentagram, Noriko Null finds out that the assembly is already in session and all the Nine Gods are here… this is the first time she’s seen them all together.

<See? Told you she’d be here.> Zeus says, waving his hand to greet her: he was the only missing member when she faced the Nine Gods during her search of the Dragon Tomb.

<All that means is that you have not completely lost control of your Galaxy.> Marduk comments. His throne is positioned between the other two representatives of the Sumerian pantheon, the white-skinned Inanna and the black-skinned Ereshkigal.

Noriko is so overwhelmed by the sheer aura of power diffused in the room that she didn’t notice Agony didn’t bring her here alone: Hebe is also there, already wearing a spectacular white gown.

<Esteemed divinities. It is a pleasure to finally meet you.> she says with a curtsy;  she’s barely met any of these gods.

<Already she demonstrates she is not worthy of this august assembly. The Nine Gods That Rule The Universe bow to nobody, not even each other.> Isis comments, not bothering covering up her disdain for the procedure. Next to her is Anubis, but it’s harder to read the body language of the jackal-headed cybernetic god. The third Egyptian god is Ra, the oldest of the group, manifesting as an eagle-headed golden statue.

Ra doesn’t say anything. The statue doesn’t even move.

<I propose we immediately dismiss the idiotic proposal of my brother!> Poseidon says, his voice much louder than necessary. As a contrast, Hades speaks with a whisper.

<The proposal must be put up to a vote. It is how it’s always been.>

<Uhm, excuse me? What proposal are we talking about?> Noriko asks.

<I’m asking for my position among the Nine Gods to be replaced by the two Co-Empresses, sharing a single vote at the Assembly. And obviously I vote yes, since it’s my idea.> Zeus explains.

<I also agree. Anybody else?> Hades asks.

<It is an abomination! No mortal shall ever sit at this Assembly, let alone my sister’s murderer!> Poseidon protests.

<My mother Hera is still very much alive!> Hebe intervenes.

<I was referring to Demeter.>

<Oh. Right. Sorry.> Hebe sheepishly replies.

<The Sumerian Pantheon unanimously votes against the proposal.> the black-skinned Ereshkigal says. Isis responds by crossing her arms, and Anubis shakes his head.

Ra doesn’t say anything. The statue doesn’t even move.

<Two votes for, six votes against, Ra abstains. The proposal is rejected.> Agony summarizes. She’s not happy to be doing this, but it’s her duty as Lady Of All Demons to be the neutral referee.

<Well, I tried. Next proposal: just give the position to Hebe. All in favor?> Zeus asks.

<I am still on your side.> Hades responds, but there’s less enthusiasm in his voice.

<I will never sanction your neglect of your divine duties. I vote against.> Poseidon insists.

<Finally a Greek that talks sense. We cannot allow this to set a precedent.> Ereshkigal agrees.

<I don’t know, it could be fun to try something new! I say just let the kid have this.> Inanna says.

<We cannot force Zeus to keep his vows, and there is precedent for a god inheriting a position at the Assembly. I vote yes, and let’s be done with the Greek drama for once.> Marduk adds.

<Spoken like a true Sumerian, with no respect for tradition. No Egyptian god will stand for this: our pantheon is unanimous in voting no.> Isis proclaims.

<You are wrong, aunt Isis. While I cannot vote for a mortal like Null to stand beside us as an equal, I owe her a debt of gratitude. My vote is in favor of Hebe.> Anubis says.

Isis looks at her nephew with enough anger to annihilate a solar system, turning instead towards Ra.

<You’re not going to say anything about this? This is STILL not enough to get your attention?>

Ra doesn’t say anything. The statue doesn’t even move.

<Why does he even show up at these meetings?> Isis sighs, rolling her eyes.

<Six votes for, three votes against, Ra abstains. The proposal is approved: Zeus is succeeded by Hebe as one of the Nine Gods Who Rule The Universe.> Agony states.

<Splendid! And just in time for the ceremony!> Zeus exclaims excitedly, jumping out of his throne and quickly moving between his daughter and Noriko.

<I assume the Assembly is over?> Agony asks.

<You and your “Co-Empresses” may leave. We will reconvene at a later time… after I have conferred in private with Poseidon: we have much, much to discuss.> Ereshkigal says, with a tone that confirms to Noriko that nothing good will come from this outcome.


Megalopolis, 52,000 light-years from Earth

With Olympus being an environment too lethal for a mortal, the former capital world of the Hera sector has been selected as the planet most suitable for the coronation.

When Kari Zel reaches the throne room, she’s surprised how modestly decorated it is, not to mention how intact: based on what her duplicates have heard from the crown, Hera’s endless temper tantrums were a constant cause of destruction for the palace.

Hebe is not there yet, however; a ridiculously over-muscled man is adjusting the exact position of the throne, moving it around by pushing it with one finger even if it weighs several tons.

<Herakles, isn’t it? We haven’t had the chance to talk since…> she greets him, but the demigod husband of Hebe is too excited to let her finish.

<’Tis my own pleasure! Kari of Myridia, thy legend as the warrior maiden of Null is renown among the stars, but thine beauty outshines the Pleiades themselves!> Herakles exclaims, wasting little time in kissing her hand.

<Uhm… thanks, I guess? I’m surprised to see you here, I thought you’d hate the place.>

<Aye. These hallowed walls bore witness to countless arguments with my dear father’s wide-eyed consort. But Herakles shall support the divine maiden that stole his heart.>

<Uh-uh. Listen, since we’re waiting for the others… do you mind a personal question?>

<Speak thy enquiry, fair maiden.>

<What the φουcκ is up with the way you talk!?>

<Mine vernacular? Verily thou art the one that speaks an uncommon tongue, Kari of Myridia.>

<No, I’m pretty sure you’re the only person in the Galaxy that talks that way.>

Much to her disappointment, the discussion is cut short by the appearance of Hebe through a pentagram. It’s not Agony to bring her back home, however, but her husband Torn.

<Thank you for the assistance, sir Torn. I am looking forward towards a deeper collaboration between our peoples.>

<Null is the Regent of Hell, Co-Empress, not you. Hell will not pledge allegiance to a crown, only to a specific soul. We seek to remain neutral in the internal affairs of the Olympian Galaxy.>

<Can you truly stay neutral when your head of state is the co-ruler of another realm?> Hebe asks.

<Yes.> Torn simply replies.

<What’s going on? Don’t tell me Noriko is late!> Kari asks.

<She has one last diplomatic visit. It should be over before the last guests arrive.> Torn answers.

As he says this, something completely obscures the sun. Kari knows it’s the middle of the day in this part of the planet, so it’s not hard to imagine this spells trouble.

She creates a duplicate right next to the nearest window, and her jaw drops: half the sky is obscured by the silhouette of a woman, darker than the blackest knight… and the other half is green.


In orbit above the planet

Kayla Black was glad to have left her superhero days behind, after retiring from her career as Blue Star: despite the best encouragement from her brother Max, she realized she didn’t have the right stuff. And now that she shares the bridge of the N01-Ragknarok with Noriko Null, she’s never been more sure of that decision and more regretful of accepting this invitation.

Especially when the bridge is completely dismantled like a house of cards blown in the wind… but the air remains untouched, because the laws of physics have just been thrown out of the window.

<Nyx. Gaea. Glad you received my invitation, I wasn’t sure you’d show up.> Noriko says.

<You mean you called them!?> Kayla exclaims.

<Primordial Gods are not technically under my jurisdiction, and they don’t exactly have an official residence, so I had to improvise.> Noriko shrugs.

<Next time ask them not to blow up the ship. How are we still alive?> Quantum asks.

<I dunno.> Noriko shrugs.

<How can you be so casual about this!?!?> Kayla freaks out.

<You test my patience, Slayer. You still have not delivered the Keys of Heaven.> Nyx says.

<YOU’RE STILL LOOKING FOR THOSE THINGS?> Gaea teases her sister.

<This mortal and I have a contract. Do not get involved.>


<She’s talking to you. You’re the one who caught her attention first.> Noriko tells Quantum.

<Yeah, uhm, hi Gaea. If I were you, I’d ask your sister what she wants to do with those Keys.>


<Is that a bad thing?> Quantum asks, feeling completely out of his depth.


<I thought the Primordial Gods didn’t answer to anyone.> Noriko notes, raising an eyebrow.


<This a matter of galactic importance, hardly worthy of the attention of the Council.> Nyx tries to reason with her sister, but Gaea shakes her planet-sized head.


<Wait! Maybe you want to stay for the imperial coronation?> Noriko tells her.

<A NEW EMPEROR OF THE UNIVERSE HAS BEEN CHOSEN?> Gaea asks, genuinely excited by the situation for a few seconds.

<No, not of the Universe. Just of the Galaxy. Well, Co-Empress, but still…> Noriko clarifies.

The two Primordial sisters look at each other and shrug. The universe folds upon itself around them, and they vanish while simultaneously repairing the hull of the Ragnarok.

<Uh. There’s always a bigger fish, I guess.> Quantum comments.

<Is… is this the kind of stuff you people have been up to lately!?> Kayla asks.

<I wish. Things are typically way crazier.> Noriko replies.


Coronation Square, minutes before noon

The largest square on the planet has had a different name for millennia, but for obvious reasons it’s just been renamed. Hebe and Noriko chose this place for different reasons: the goddess for continuation of her mother’s rule, and the mortal because this open space will allow the coronation to be seen by the public and publicly televised throughout the Galaxy.

It’s a crowded place, and not just because this is the most densely populated planet in the Olympian Galaxy. The number of guests, both mortal and divine, is just staggering.

Noriko has given VIP treatment to family and close allies, whereas all the VIPs selected by Hebe are gods, both vassals and not.

The nine Muses are gathered in a semicircle around the raised platform where the ceremony is taking place, singing sacred hymns dating all the way back to the time of Uranus.

Two golden thrones are in the middle. Hebe is accompanied there by her husband Herakles, and Noriko has asked Kylon to do the same.

All the three officially recognized vassal gods sit on one side: Aphrodite, Helen of Troy and Athena. Four other gods that have the birthright to claim a sector but have not done so… Eros, Enyo, Dionysus and Hermes… are on the other side.

There are seats reserved for representatives from other Galaxies, but only Persephone and Agony have showed up. If the latest Assembly of the Nine Gods meant anything, it’s probably for the best.

The Muses finally end their hymn, and Zeus starts speaking. He even bothered to wear a full toga.

<In the name of my father Kronos, son of Uranus, son of Gaea the Primordial Goddess Of Life, I shall now administer the Coronation Oath. Do you solemnly promise and swear to govern, and protect its independence from other pantheons according to Divine Law, the Olympian Galaxy, its stars, nebulas, planets and mortals, and all the realms of the vassal gods swearing fealty to you, as allowed by the laws and customs of the Nine Gods Who Rule The Universe?>

<I do so swear.> both Hebe and Noriko answer simultaneously, as protocol dictates.

Zeus then walks towards his daughter, holding a splendid golden crown full of precious jewels, and as he talks he places it on her head.

<Hebe of Olympus, Goddess of Youth, Daughter of Zeus and Hera, I crown you Divine Co-Empress of Olympus.>

There are loud cheers coming from the crowd, clearly audible throughout the city. Then Zeus moves to the second crown, which he holds with one hand: he uses the other to read his line from a piece of paper, since he couldn’t remember such a long title.

<Noriko Null of Earth, Daughter of Bob, Slayer of Gods, Ice Queen of the Winter Kingdom, Regent of Hell, Executioner of the Celestial Dragon, Destroyer of Eden, Wielder of the Nexus, Slayer of Demeter, Hephaestus, Selene, Tiamat, Phobos, Deimos, Artemis, Serket, Sobek, Nephthys, Apollo, Ares, Harmonia and Tyche… whew, now that’s a mouthful…> Zeus admits, chuckling as he throws away the piece of paper.

Noriko takes the opportunity to move forward and get the crown away from him; the people gasp as she technically crowns herself, even when Zeus completes the ritual:

<…I crown you Mortal Co-Empress of Olympus.>

As the crowd cheers and Zeus looks with content as his successors, thinking about he’s finally free of his responsibilities, Quantum moves closer to Vesta.

<Was she allowed to do that herself? Taking the crown?> he asks, keeping his voice low; considering the chaos around them, it wasn’t really necessary.

<No, she wasn’t. That’s a clear sign of disrespect to the pantheon.> she replies grimly.

<This is coming back to bite her, isn’t it?> he asks, already knowing the answer.

Vesta looks at her family members in the audience. Everyone can deduce the feelings of most of them, but only someone who has known Athena for millennia can read her seemingly neutral expression. And Vesta definitely doesn’t like what she sees behind the eyes of the Goddess of War.

<Let’s enjoy the peace. It’s not going to last for long.>


Boreas, 3.000 light-years from Earth

Leiko Tanaka is bored to death. Her cell has no doors, no window, and the neon light on the ceiling never goes out. The only sign of the passage of time is the regular appearance of a new plate of food, which is teleported on the same receptacle from which her leftovers disappear.

Normally, she doesn’t have anything to entertain herself. Today has been different, as images have been projected on the wall facing her bed.

An estimated 4 trillion people have watched the coronation ceremony, but Leiko Tanaka is not one of them. Rather than hearing about it, she’s spent the whole day with a pillow over her head.

<You haven’t touched your food.>

Nobody is allowed to enter her cell, for any reason. Leiko should be surprised to have a visit, but the fact that she’s hearing the voice directly inside her brain tells her this is no ordinary visitor.

<It’s the news. They make me nauseous.> Leiko replies, her voice muffled by the pillow.

The mental projection of Noriko Null makes a gesture, and the images from the coronation stop being projected. Leiko remains motionless.

<You’re being very childish, you know. Come on, we have to talk.>

<I will not take lessons on the matter on someone who spent the whole day playing princess.>

<I’ve disabled the cameras. Nobody’s gonna see us talk.>

Leiko takes off the pillow, seeing the semi-transparent projection of her daughter standing.

<You set up cameras in here!?> she asks, looking around the cell: there is no separation between the bed, the toilet and the shower.

<I don’t trust you to have a second of privacy; can’t imagine why. If it’s any consolation, only female guards have access to the video feed and it’s deleted after 48 hours.>

<Valuable information. Once I’m restored to power, I will make sure every single woman who has worked in security will be sentenced to death.>

<You’re never going back to power, mother.>

<Why, just because you’re playing princess now? I am still the real Ice Queen and I will rule again as such. I have all the time in the world: I still have Hera’s gift of eternal youth.>

<Hera is a child now.>

<She’s always been.>

<No, I mean she’s literally a baby. Hebe and I have… look the important thing is that her power over you is no longer active. You’re back to aging normally like the rest of us.>

<Is that why you’re visiting me? To gloat about your victory?>

<No. Well, I guess a bit. It’s just that…>

<Why am I still alive, Noriko? You took my place. You took my powers, my immortality and defeated my allies. I should be dead by now.>

<You don’t have allies, Leiko. You’ve consistently betrayed everyone who trusted you: even the Zenith are not going to come back to get you.>

<I have something you need, right? That is the only explanation for delaying my execution.>

<You’re my best lead to finding the current headquarters of the Zenith. Just tell me…>

<That’s all you got? You’re pathetic!>

<Mother, whatever Roxiana promised you to join the Zenith, she’s not going to deliver. She’s almost as untrustworthy as you are.>

<You have the Golden Eyes. You have legions of Demons at your command. If all you wanted was just a piece of information hidden inside my mind, you have ways to get it. Get a better excuse.>

<It’s not an excuse. Roxiana knows more about Golden Eyes and soul powers than anyone else: a false step could trigger a deadly failsafe, or even set me up for mind control. I can’t risk it.>

<If this is the extent on your ability to lie, Noriko, your reign will be a short one. Your so-called friends and even your traitorous boyfriend might fall for suck weak lies, but I know why you’re looking for any excuse to keep me alive.>

<Alright, this I want to hear. Why would I want you to stay alive a minute longer than absolutely necessary!?>

<You don’t have the guts to kill me, Noriko. You need me.>

<Oh really? I didn’t know you had a sense of humor! Tell me, why exactly do I need you? Uhm? To constantly put my loved ones in danger? To ruin lives? To ruin MY life?>

<You are nothing without me, Noriko. NOTHING. You need to compare yourself to me and convince, no, lie to yourself into thinking you are better than me.>

<I am better than you, mother! It’s not that hard: you’re a monster. The universe would be an infinitely better place without you.>

<You wouldn’t even EXIST without me!>

<Because you gave birth to me? Please, you abandoned me the day I was born! Everything I have, I owe it to my own accomplishments and the help of my friends. Let’s compare for a second where we are, shall we? You’re legally dead, your family has disowned you, your allies have abandoned you, you have lost everything you have… you don’t even own your own clothes! I am the richest and most powerful person ever, I’m the head of state of Hell and what else, oh yeah, the EMPRESS OF THE FU##ING GALAXY. So tell me, “mommy dearest”, why should a give a damn about YOU!?>

<And what did your throne cost you?> Leiko asks.

<What… what do you mean?>

<You think I don’t see it? I’ve been there. You’ve made compromises and sacrifices to get where you are. I see that in your eyes. Sure, every step was justified, but when you look back, you can’t help but feel your younger self would never approve of what you’ve become. No matter how many worlds you rule, it will never be enough to dix the hole left in you. And you know why I know all of this, Noriko? Because I’ve lived through it. We have both been exposed to Drylon technology: as I told you long ago, the cost of their power is watering down your soul.>

<You can’t compare what I’ve done with your crimes, mother.>

<Can’t I? You and I are the same, Noriko, but there is one crucial difference: I know what I am. I am damn proud of it and will not apologize for it, even in the face of death. You’re still a child with abandonment issues that is willing to risk the stability of the Galaxy to gain the approval of a mother that doesn’t give a crap about you. Without me, Noriko, you would become me.>

<All I need from you is disappear from my sight. Enjoy your next months of complete isolation.> Noriko cuts the conversation, preparing to completely cut the transmission.

<Was it worth it?> Leiko asks. She doesn’t specify whether she means talking to her or taking over the Galaxy. Probably both.

<If it ends up saving lives, it always is. We’ll talk about it again… this is not over.>

The projection fades away, and Leiko mutters to herself:

<It certainly isn’t. Not for by a long…Noriko?> she asks, noticing the projection doesn’t completely disappear: it slowly changes to a dark silhouette with glowing red eyes.

<The Harbinger of Destiny is no longer here. But I am.> says a loud male voice in her head.

<Am I supposed to know you?>

<I am Kronos, the once and future Emperor Of The Universe. Reaching you from beyond the veil of time with a quest to fulfill.>

<I’m flattered. But as you can see, I’m currently in jail.>

<So am I, trapped where the stars don’t dare to venture. But if you become my Herald, both our cages may be only fleeting inconveniences.>

<Too vague. What’s in it for me, exactly?>

<Destiny. Join me, Ice Queen, and everything you are destined to achieve will be yours to grasp.>

<I do like the sound of that. What about my daughter, though?>

<Worry not about the Harbinger. She will usher my greatest triumph. In fact… she may not have realized it, but today she has already ensured I will rule the entire Universe for the rest of time.>


End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.