Washington D.C., Earth
The White House has hosted countless heads of state in its history, but this is the first time said leader rules an entire galaxy.
Hebe, Divine Empress of the Olympian Galaxy, sits uncomfortably in the limousine that is driving up Pennsylvania Avenue.
<Do we really have to use this unseemly carriage?> the goddess asks, shifting her weight.
<It’s called a car.> Noriko Null corrects her.
She’s the only other person with her, and the two couldn’t look more different. Noriko has opted for a green office suit, official but not ostentatious: the only touch of vanity is the silver brooch in the shape of her Ø symbol, worn proudly on her chest. She could pass for any regular businesswoman.
Hebe, on the other hand, is wearing a white peplos with golden trims that matches her hair, and sporting a laurel wreath made of solid gold.
<Isn’t this ritual a waste of time, Noriko? I could have teleported right into this “White House”.>
<You could have, but this is a moment to show to the people of Earth that you’re not some kind of abstract and far-away entity… that you’re just like a regular politician. Also, the Secret Service really hates it when you teleport without asking first… I speak from personal experience.>
<And you’re hoping that my intercession might smooth your relationship with President Devane. I have been told that you had… disagreements with his previous superior.>
<His running mate, you mean. President Keen was a pain in the a##, but at the time I needed the support of the President of the United States way more than I do now. I just want to make sure Devane doesn’t cause any distraction. Be firm with him, but not overwhelmingly so… we’re not trying to be bullies here.>
<But you still want to show him who’s the real boss.> Hebe understands.
The limousine moves past the crowd gathered near the White House, with journalists taking dozens of pictures. Finally the car stops in front of the West Wing, where a Marine opens the door for the goddess.
President William Devane is waiting for her with open arms. A man in his 40s with a well-trimmed goatee, in a very expensive suit and a red tie.
<Welcome to Earth, Your Majesty.> he greets her, extending his hand for a handshake.
Hebe was expecting him to kiss her hand, leading to a rather awkward mixture of the two gestures.
<Mister President Devane. Noriko has spoken well of your land.>
<Has she. Please face this way, the cameras are there.> Devane instructs her, and the two pose for their first picture together while Noriko leaves the car on her own.
Devane has an expertly practiced smile, while Hebe looks so lost she might as well be a deer caught by headlights.
These seconds are all Noriko needs to realize what Devane is looking for with this meeting: boost his own image and Hebe, pushing her to the side.
“You think I was born yesterday, Devane? This won’t go the way you think.” Noriko thinks.
She restrains herself from smiling. It would be bad optics in front of the camera.
<Miss Null, thank you for accompanying Empress Hebe. I look forward to seeing you at dinner.> the President finally addresses her, escorting the goddess inside.
<That’s not what…> Noriko tries to argue, but she’s interrupted by the Secret Service getting in her way while the President leaves.
<Ma’am, please return to the vehicle.> an agent tells her.
<What’s going on? I was invited to the meeting.>
<There’s been a change in the schedule. Now, please return to your vehicle.>
<Do you really think there’s a single person on this planet that would stop me if I wanted to get in there?> Noriko asks, her silver eyes shining.
It’s enough to make the agents nervous enough to take a step back and assess the situation, but Noriko does the same. This would be the worst possible moment to make a scene, and insisting too much would signal that she doesn’t believe Hebe can handle a state visit on her own.
<Just kidding. See you at dinner.> she relents, returning to the car.
Two hours later, Midgard City Embassy
Noriko Null is sitting on the couch, after taking off her jacket, and flipping through holographic reports she receives from all over the Galaxy.
Vesta is looking at the news, sitting cross-legged in front of the TV while levitating in mid-air.
Kari Zel is doing push-ups, with two of her duplicates sitting on her back to make it harder.
Torn is meditating on the floor, balancing a Blood dagger on the tip of each finger.
Quantum appears in the room, looking at the bored expressions of his teammates: this isn’t the kind of emergency the team is typically gathered.
<What, the planet is not under attack? That’s got to be a first!> he jokes.
<The meeting should be almost over. They said there won’t be a press conference.> Vesta informs the others, turning off the TV.
<Please tell me we’re not going to be the ones taking to journalists.> Kari says, making her duplicates disappear and jumping back to her feet.
<We should be so lucky. We’ve all been invited to the state dinner.> Noriko answers.
<Must we attend?> Torn asks, opening a single eye.
<Yes. If I have to wear a dress, I’m not going to be the only one who has to suffer.>
<Can I wear this dress?> the Demon asks. He’s wearing his usual trench coat.
<That’s not a dress.> Noriko points out.
<Oh please, please tell me he will have to wear a dress.> Kari teases him.
<What’s really going on, Noriko? This whole thing seems… beneath you.> Vesta confronts her.
<Something about Devane doesn’t add up. I did some digging the other day; I didn’t follow the presidential campaign since I was a little busy with the whole “War of the Six Empires” thing… but Devane suspended his campaign for a couple of weeks before the nomination, for “undisclosed medical reasons”.> Noriko informs them.
<I read about that, it was a big deal before the whole “dead rising from the grave” thing made the front page. He never said what that was about.> Quantum adds.
<Everything was kept under wraps. I won’t bother you with the details of how I put together the clues, but I’m certain Devane had cancer. Not only he no longer has it, but it vanished so thoroughly that even Asclepius can’t detect he ever had it.>
<I didn’t know Asclepius was on Earth.> Vesta notes.
<He was last night. When I teleported him into Devane’s bedroom to diagnose him.>
<You teleported the God of Medicine into the White House!?> Quantum exclaims.
<Being Mortal Empress has its advantages.> Noriko shrugs.
Just then, Hebe teleports herself into the room. Seeing the entire Vanguard in the same room, she immediately has only one question in her mind:
<Is the planet under attack?>
<We’re here for the dresses.> Torn answers.
<How did it go?> Noriko asks, standing up and gesturing towards Hebe to give her something.
<Good, I guess? I’ve never met a mortal capable of talking so much and saying so little; see it for yourself.> Hebe replies, taking off her gold laurel wreath and handing it over to Noriko.
<New fashion statement?> Kari asks.
<It’s an omnidirectional holographic recorder.> Noriko clarifies; the entire meeting is projected onto her silver eyes, condensed into a couple of seconds. Her mind is fast enough for it.
<You’re right. My God, is that man an empty suit… this is hours of nothing.>
<You’re thinking it was a setup?> Kari wonders.
<Probably, but for what? I can’t read this guy. Now I really have to go to that stupid dinner.>
Evening, State Dining Room of the White House
If Noriko had any doubts that Devane was trying to insult her, the dinner was the ultimate proof.
He’s barely addressed her, talking almost exclusively to either Hebe or Vesta; Noriko has been left with the First Lady the whole time.
Her patience is wearing thin, but finally Devane approaches her. Holding a glass of wine in his hand and enjoying this complete waste of time a little too much.
<Miss Null. I couldn’t help noticing you’ve only been drinking water.>
<It’s supposed to be “Empress Null” to you. Unfortunately, I’m physically unable to get intoxicated, otherwise believe me, I would have done anything to escape the dullness of this pointless exercise in vanity. What is it that you want, Devane?>
<It’s supposed to “Mister President” to you. What makes you think I’m not just trying to honor the saviors of Earth and establish a new alliance with Olympus?>
<I don’t know. The fact that you campaigned on Earth’s independence? The fact that you haven’t made a single concrete proposal the whole day? The fact that you’re an opportunistic politician? Cut the bulls##t, Devane, and get to the point.>
<Is that the way to address the leader of the free world?>
<Oh please, I’m the only reason the galaxy is free.>
<That is true, I’ll give you that. If you and the Vanguard would please follow me to the Red Room, we can get to the reason why I asked you to be here.>
The Red Room
Literally next door, the more intimate room used for less informal meetings than the Oval Office is decorated with red walls, drapery and upholstery.
<Slightly better.> Torn comments, creating a small dagger to cut off his bow tie. Like Quantum he’s wearing a formal black suit, but the Demon didn’t renounce wearing his trench coat over it.
All the three girls are wearing a formal dress, the main difference being the color. Green and extremely modest for Noriko, red and long enough to cover up the fact she’s not wearing shoes for Vesta, and dark purple slightly above the knee for Kari.
The doors to the room are closed: only the President and the Vanguard are left inside.
The President sits on the red couch, while the others their seats on the red chairs arranged in front of him; only Torn opting to stand up behind them, crossing his arms.
<Alright, you got us here. Let’s cut to the chase: the Empire is going to keep its capital on Midgard City, Earth can’t join until it’s unified under a single government, and I won’t allow you in any way to undermine the Global Defense Organization. Everything else, we can discuss.> Noriko spells out.
<Miss… Empress, please. I didn’t ask you to come here for a policy discussion. I asked you to come here to show you this.> the President says, taking something from under the couch.
It’s a small box, which he places next to his seat. And once he opens it, Noriko is even more confused than before. It’s just a mirror.
<I don’t get it. Is this some local custom?> Kari asks.
Noriko examines it closely. The elaborate frame holding the mirror looks familiar… it looks like stone, but with an intricate design the subtle patterns over it.
<It’s Drylon, isn’t it?> she deduces from experience.
<Our scientists can’t make head of tails of it. I assume you want to examine it personally?>
<How can I say no?> Noriko replies, taking the mirror without hesitation.
The second she looks at it, she immediately realizes something is wrong: her eyes feel strange, and she feels like she’s burning from the inside.
<How could you indeed. Marduk sends his regards.> President Devane says with a smile.
<What?> Noriko says, dropping the mirror as her vision becomes blurry.
<Nori, what’s…> Quantum tries to help, but then he collapses while groaning in pain.
Vesta and Torn look at each other, not sure how to react: two of their teammates seem to have been hit by something, while Kari completely disappears in a flash of blinding light.
President Devane has barely enough time to look away before Torn lifts him off the floor with one hand, holding a Blood sword with the other.
<Nori, are you alright?> Vesta asks her, recoiling after touching her friend brings a kind of pain she’s unfamiliar with. A burn.
Noriko’s chair suddenly catches fire, as does her dress. Much to her confusion, she’s not hurt.
<What did you do!?> Torn asks the President, while the fire alarm releases the sprinklers that throw water on everybody.
<I don’t know! Marduk didn’t tell me anything like this would happen!> Devane complains.
<What was supposed to happen?> the Demon insists.
Secret Service agents open the doors, and the room is thrown into even more chaos: not only Noriko is still burning despite the sprinklers, but a bolt of lightning breaks through the window and unnaturally moves towards Quantum.
He screams in pain while the electricity continues to flow into him for several seconds. Once he’s over, he takes a moment to get his bearings… and once he opens his eyes, they shine silver.
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