Null Island, Pacific Ocean

At four A.M in the morning, the kitchen is silent. There are a few steps in the dark; the only light is a dim sparkle in a girl’s silver eyes. Suddenly someone shouts:

<Surprise defense!>

A web of red energy appears out of nowhere, flying towards Noriko. She dodges it just in time: she knows these things can cut through steel like a knife through butter. They disappear before touching anything, however.

<Oh. It’s you> Laceration notes, without the slightest concern in her voice.

<What the… you could’ve cut my head off!!!>

<Yes. Sorry.>

Noriko leans on the kitchen table, trying to slow down her heartbeat. She’s supposed to avoid sudden shocks and this definitely isn’t helping her condition.

<Are you okay?> Laceration asks.

<You scared me half to death!>

<How can you be half dead?> the alien girl asks back with a puzzled look in her face.

Noriko had almost forgotten Torn’s daughter lived on the island. It’s partly because she’s been so busy for the last few months, but Laceration is so quiet and unassuming to be almost invisible.

Which is quite impressive for a sixty year old alien who looks like a fifteen year old with red skin.

Noriko notices something else about her: they’re wearing the same T-shirt and shorts, even though Laceration is taller and bustier despite looking younger.

<Are these my clothes?> Noriko asks.

<No. I am wearing them.>

<I know you are, but… nevermind. Next time, please ask okay?>

<Ask what?>

<Ask if you can take my clothes!.

<But I already know that I can.>

<Laceration, sometimes I wonder if you and your father do this on purpose…>

<My father can’t wear your clothes. They don’t fit him.>

Noriko rolls her eyes: she knows there’s no point in trying to argue with this family. She goes to the fridge, reaching for the soda.

<Since we’re both awake, we might as well have a talk… as long as you don’t drive me insane.>

<I don’t drive. I walk.>

<Right. What were you doing in the kitchen, anyway?> Noriko asks, opening her soda: she noticed that Laceration is just sitting at the table with nothing in front of her.


<Here? Something wrong with your room?>

<I like to sleep where there’s food.>

<I…see. Y’know, you’ve been living here for almost four months now, and I don’t know much about you. How’s living on Earth?>

<It’s okay> Laceration shrugs.

<That’s it? You’re on an alien planet and the only thing you have to say is “it’s okay”?>

<It’s cold. I like cold.>

<Alright, I guess it’s a start. Are you comfortable talking about your people and your planet? You father doesn’t want to, and I understand if you feel the same way.>

<There are some things I can say.>

<Really!?> Noriko reacts, stunned. She’s been trying for more than a year to get Torn to say something, anything about himself… he didn’t even admit being an alien for months!

<My planet is called Hell. It’s very hot.>


<That’s all I have to say.>

<Oh come on!!! You HAVE to say something more about it!!!>

<Okay> Laceration nods, looking aside to concentrate and finally adding:

<The ocean is different there.>

<“Different” how?>

<It’s, like, thicker. And you can’t swim in it.>

<Why not?>

<It’s hotter than the shore and it burns. Also, it’s not made of water and it goes below the ground.>

It takes a while to decipher Laceration’s words. Noriko’s jaw drops when she makes the connection:

<Your planet has an ocean made of lava!?>

<Sure. Don’t they all have one?>

<You really are Torn’s daughter… is everyone on your planet like you?>

<No. Half of them are male.>

<Yes, thank you so much for that. What I mean is, can they all do what you can do?>

<No. Only females can give birth.>

<Oh for the love of… does everyone on Hell have the power to create energy constructs?>

<Yes. We’re Demons.>

<Finally! Took you long enough.>

<Can I ask you something too?>

<Sure, why not> Noriko answers, suspecting it’s a recipe for disaster.

<I asked my father about humans. I haven’t met many. Do you really have just one heart?>

<I’m afraid so.>

<And only one lung?>

<Two, actually. How many does a Demon…>

<Six. Why do we look so similar on the outside but so different on the inside?>

<I’ve been asking the same question since I’ve met your father, but he doesn’t let me examine him.>

<It’s a Demon thing.>

<I imagined so. Did you have some negative experience with another alien species?>

<We don’t talk about that. Can I ask you about reproduction?>

<I… think you should talk to your father first…> Noriko tries to evade the question, embarrassed.

<I already know how Demons are born. I have a few questions about human reproduction.>

<We don’t… really talk about that…>

<I tried to ask your father but he was busy reproducing with Doctor Kalama. She said I had to leave because humans don’t like to be watched while they’re reproducing.>

<Can we talk about anything else!?> Noriko pleads.

Luckily for her, the building’s alarm kicks in: she recognizes it as the intruder alert. Noriko doesn’t waste any time to stand up and to run out of the room, yelling:

<Sorry I have to go, we’ll continue this conversation never!>

<Okay> Laceration nods, staying at her place at the kitchen table and with a blank stare.

Fifteen seconds pass in complete silence.

<I should probably follow her> she then decides, leaving her place.


The living quarters are connected to the hall by a high-speed elevator: Noriko takes more time to get her Genius Gun than she needs to reach the ground floor.

What she finds isn’t particularly unexpected: a man wearing a white mask and cape. What’s more interesting, to her at least, is that he’s surrounded by deactivated Nullbots.

<About time you showed up> the Mist complains. Noriko responds by aiming the Genius Gun.

<Don’t move. This setting isn’t lethal, but it hurts. A lot.>

<I’m not here to fight. I saved your life, remember?>

<That doesn’t give you permission to sneak into my house.>

<I just want to talk.>

<You could’ve called first. I’m on the phonebook.>

Before the Mist can reply, a terrible sound anticipates the collapse of half the roof. It’s the sound of a red skinned fifteen year old girl crashing through reinforced walls.

<Edge of bleeding!!!> Laceration shouts, filling the room with a fast moving array of energy barbed wire. The Mist turns into smoke to escape the attack, which is powerful enough to slice right through the Nullbots and the floor.

<I don’t have time to play games> the Mist says, materializing for just enough time to extract a small pellet from his belt. He throws it before disappearing again; Laceration instinctively cuts it in half before it reaches her. It’s a defensive move, but it ends up spraying her with liquid nitrogen.

<بۇڻ!!!> she screams, taking a step back and covering her face.

Noriko doesn’t understand her: she must be speaking her native tongue. She doesn’t have time to react: all she can see are a dozen red daggers thrown towards the Mist, coming so fast to leave him no time to transform into smoke. The blades avoid his body but pin his cape against the wall.

Torn moves even faster; Noriko didn’t even see him arrive in the room. But he’s already holding the Mist with one hand, while the other holds a dagger pointed at his throat.

<Do. Not. Move.>

<Calm down, big guy. I’m just…> the Mist begins to say, but he’s silenced when Torn grabs him by the throat and starts squeezing.

<ڏۇغۃر?> Torn asks his daughter, while never breaking eye contact with the Mist.

<گۆۆد> Laceration answers. From the sound of her voice, and the fact that Torn hasn’t decapitated the intruder yet, Noriko assumes it probably means “I’m fine”.

<Let him go. I’m not sure if he’s a friend, but he’s not an enemy> she instructs him.

Torn doesn’t move. The Mist tries to break free, but Torn is far stronger than a human.

<Just… want to… talk…> the Mist struggles to say. In fact, Torn isn’t leaving him any chance to breathe.

<Torn, that’s enough> Noriko scolds him. He still doesn’t release the Mist.

<Dad, I’m okay, really> Laceration repeats. She’s still holding a hand over her face, where Noriko can see a nasty ice burn.

<Fine> Torn finally concedes, letting the Mist go. He doesn’t make the daggers disappear, but despite being pinned against the wall the Mist breaks free by turning into smoke and moving just a few feet away, coughing heavily. Noriko isn’t particularly sympathetic:

<Just give me a reason not to kick you out of my house.>

<I know who tried to kill you in Shanghai and why. And I brought a gift> the Mist answers, pointing at the very large bag laying among the demolished Nullbots.

She approaches it very carefully, recognizing it as a body bag. She hesitates before opening it: for all she knows, it could be a trap. But the Mist did save her life in China, at the very least he deserves the benefit of the doubt.

When Noriko opens the bag, even she can’t hid her surprise: it’s a dead body. Specifically, it’s the dead body of the black woman who tried to kill her.

<Did you kill her?>– she asks the Mist.

<No, Black Knight did. I just stole the body from the authorities and brought it here.>


<Because you’re the only one who can help me take down the Guild.>

<The what?>

<The people who sent the cyborg assassin to kill you.>

<I don’t even know who they are!>

<But I do. You’re cut off from the rest of the galaxy; if you help me, I can give you access to all sorts of interstellar intelligence.>

Noriko pauses to consider the offer. He’s got a point… despite the impact of her actions on the political landscape of the entire galaxy, she’s completely in the dark.

<We have a deal, Mist.>



End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.