As brutal as the fight between Persephone and Enyo had been, it was nothing in comparison to the battle between the Demon siblings Pain and Torn.

The arena is filled with craters and gashes from their weapons, and the floor is bathed with the insane amount of blood lost by Torn. By all accounts, he has no business being alive after the damages he sustained, but he’s standing tall with his body emanating a red aura. With horns.

<This is new, Torn, this is definitely new. But you know that I’ll always be stronger than you: Massacre Chainsaw!> Pain shouts, creating a pair of motorized saws that she swings at him.

Torn dodges them without even trying. There’s a blank, emotionless expression on his face.

<Strength isn’t everything. I see your weakness now> he calmly explains.

<Can you see this!? Holocaust Overkill!!!>

Pain’s muscles tense as she accesses more power from the Blood than before: her body is the epicenter of a red tornado of blades and needles spinning close to the speed of sound. She concentrates the entire attack into a single direction: towards Torn.

This should rip him to shreds, but he walks through it like it was nothing: as impossible as it is, nothing is coming close to touching him.

<The Blood reacts to rage and suffering. You use it as a magnet and redirect its power, thinking you can bend it to your will. But the Blood is an ocean and you’re using it to fill a glass. I’m using Instinct Killer, Pain: I see where it wants to go. And I can create rivers with it.>

<Will you stop it with this philosophical bulls##t!? It’s a magic energy source made of violence!!!>

<Maybe. But it has rules. Wave Breaker.>

He didn’t raise his voice. The effect is stunningly fast: Pain’s attack vanishes in an instant.

<Needle of the eye> he adds. Six red energy spikes emerge from his aura, shooting towards Pain.

She dodges the first two, but the others stab her thighs; she falls, and the last two stab her arms pinning her against the floor.

Torn raises his arm: all the weapons scattered in the arena fly towards him, decomposing into smaller daggers and hovering above Pain. She’s still struggling to break free.

<You were born from the Blood, and to the Blood you shall…> Torn recites, interrupted by Pain spitting on him.

<Please, spare me the prayer and go to the good stuff. It’s been fun, little brother.>

<No, it hasn’t. Cut of a billion deaths.>

The daggers above Pain hit every major organ, but it’s just the beginning: there are more and more coming. They keep hitting when she’s covered in them. They keep hitting when all her flesh has been stripped away. They keep hitting until her bones break. They keep hitting with the power of an ocean focused through 65 years of mourning. They keep hitting when all that is left of her is a pool of blood and liquefied organs. And when they stop, Torn’s aura disappears and he looks at Thoth.

<I’m done.>

<Pain is dead. The winner is Torn, the Lone Demon> the Egyptian god announces.

After such an over-the-top finish, the audience is dead silent. With one exception.

<That was AWESOME!!! That’s my dad!!!> Lesion exclaims, waiving her father’s duster like it was a flag. Torn almost smiles to this, limping back to his place: the battle obviously cost him a lot. The wound on his chest is closed, but it’s very far from healing. Vesta flies towards him, helping him reach his bench where Lesion runs to hug him.

<Dad, can you teach me Instinct Killer? Please please please?>

<Maybe when you’re older. Your father is really tired, Lesion> he answers, sitting down: he’s still covered head to toe in blood, both from him and from his sister.

<Dude… are you alright?> Quantum asks him.

<I will be> Torn calmly answers, wearing his duster like nothing happened.

<The next contestant has been chosen by Inanna. Hermes, the God of Speed, may approach the arena> Thoth announces.

<Aww, so soon after such a passionate fight?> Hermes complains: he’s already in front of Thoth and holding a broom in his hands. In the blink of an eye, there isn’t a drop of blood on the arena.

<I’d hate to cut the next one short, so I’ll make sure to go slow. By the way, I took the liberty of cleaning up a bit. I don’t want red stains on my toga: that would be so last millennium, am I right?>

<Ares’ chosen representative has been selected. Adrestia, Goddess of Revenge, may approach the arena> Thoth continues, purposefully ignoring Hermes.

The young blonde goddess stands up, floating above the other gods and towards the arena; she lands stiffly, almost still standing at attention in her black and golden military uniform.

<What do you know about her?> Noriko asks Ulysses.

<Very little. She’s made a reputation as one of the generals of Ares… they call her “the one who cannot be escaped”> he explains. Then Lily adds:

<The Blue Rose had a dossier on her. She was much more successful than Phobos or Deimos on the battlefield, but she was repeatedly overlooked whenever it was time to assign territory.>

<And now that her brothers are dead, she’s bound for a promotion> Noriko reasons.

<Now declare the prize you wish to claim in this tournament. Hermes?>

<I wish for the eternal love of the beautiful Noriko Null, my lovely Slayer of Gods> Hermes announces, blowing a kiss towards the audience.

<Adrestia, what is your…>

<Just for clarity, we’re talking about spiritual AND sexual love, right?> Hermes interrupts him.

<Correct. Adrestia, what is your…>

<And SHE has to love me back forever but not the other way around, isn’t it? I mean, it just wouldn’t be fair to deny this divine body to the rest of the female gender.>

<Are you finished?>

<Hmm yes, I think that’s all. Go ahead.>

<Adrestia, what is your wish?>

<On behalf of my father Ares, I wish for the death of the weak Athena> she answers.

<Boooring! You’re the goddess of revenge, shouldn’t you at least wish for the death of the sexy genius who killed your brother? No offense, sunshine!> Hermes says, waving at Noriko.

<I am SO gonna kill him one of these days> Noriko mumbles.

<The stakes are decided, until defeat or death. Hermes versus Adrestia. FIGHT!!!>

None of the contestants seem to be doing much: they just stare at each other until Hermes loses his patience, which is within about fifteen seconds.

<Please, by all means, ladies first. Or should I say children first?>

<I’m sixteen thousand years old> Adrestia reminds him.

<See, what did I say? A child! Come on, sugar cheeks, show me what you’ve got.>

<You really do like the sound of your own voice. I’ve already made my move; it’s your fault if you can’t see it just yet.>

<Well, maybe I’ve been so distracted by your radiant beauty that…> Hermes continues to taunt, until the glare coming from the sky is too much for him to ignore: he looks up, and there’s something approaching the arena.

<A meteor, uhm? Kind of old school, I guess, but nice try> the god jokes nonchalantly. Then, just a split second before the celestial object crashes on the arena with the power of a thousand nuclear weapons, his expression changes to something rarely seen on a god’s face: fear.

The audience is protected by Thoth’s barrier, but the collision has completely obscured the fight.

<Oh come on! What’s the point of having us here if can’t see anything!?> Lily complains.

<He didn’t move> Quantum tells her, leaving the Lampyrian woman confused.

<How could you tell?>

<The barrier doesn’t block x-rays. Hermes didn’t move an inch> he explains.

<Really? I know it’s just a meteor, but that doesn’t sound like him at all> Vesta comments.

The dust cloud that engulfs the arena is swept away by Adrestia dismissively waiving her hand; she flew away at the very last second, and is just now slowly descending.

The meteor did surprisingly little damage: whatever substance Thoth used to build the arena, it’s far more durable than any man-made material. Noriko tries to calculate how much power Torn and Pain were using earlier to thrash something that could withstand a blow like that, but then she’s shocked by a far more worrisome image: Hermes is indeed still exactly where he was before the meteor, but it’s not by his own choice.

<Okay, this isn’t fun anymore> he complains, clearly trying his damn hardest to move his legs. No matter how hard he tries, though, his feet just aren’t moving from their spot.

<You’re not so brave when you can’t flee, coward> Adrestia chastises him, standing proudly just outside of his reach. Clearly confused by his inability to move, his flamboyant attitude vanishes.

<Listen, kid, just because you’ve learned a new trick doesn’t mean you can go toe to toe with the God Of…> Hermes boasts, before groaning and starting to hunch, as if simply standing up was quickly becoming the hardest thing in the universe.

<The God of Running Away? You think you’re so great, Hermes, but you’re not. I am the Goddess Who Cannot Be Escaped, and you are not even worthy enough to lick my boots.>

<As soon as I figure out how you’re doing this…>

<However, watching you do that might be good for morale. Kneel> she orders, and the entire arena shakes. The ground immediately around Hermes is pushed downwards, creating a crater beneath him; the effect radiates outwards, creating a mild but very fast earthquake.

Hermes loses his balance, getting on one knee. Adrestia clenches her fists, and Hermes is now crawling on the floor, his knees and hands slowly sinking into the arena.

<I had no idea her telekinesis was so powerful!> Vesta comments.

<That’s not telekinesis> Noriko deduces, her silver eyes shining when she notices that the light around the two dueling gods has suddenly dimmed. Not only that, it’s being distorted and becoming reddish: it’s like looking through a thick layer of glass.

<Well, Hermes? No more clever words?> Adrestia taunts him.

<I will throw you… into… the nearest… star…> he answers, straining every muscle and still failing to make any progress.

<No, you won’t. This is your retribution, Hermes, for relying too much on your speed: without it, you are pathetically weak> she continues, until Hermes is laying on the floor and unable to move.

<Surrender> she orders.

<Never… going… to happen> Hermes answers, his face red from the struggle. Adrestia keeps her cool and steps on his back, causing the god to groan in pain.

<Surrender> she repeats. Her voice is suddenly lower and slower.

<Do your worst, b#tch> Hermes answers defiantly, his voice similarly distorted.

<Why doesn’t he break free? We fought on a neutron star, this can’t be worse!> Vesta comments.

<Surrender> Adrestia insists. The light around her becomes dimmer, and once she’s just a pitch black silhouette Hermes screams in pain.

<It’s gravity. She can manipulate gravity> Null deduces.

<I cannot be escaped, Hermes. You can’t move faster than light when your legs are heavier than continents. Can your spine withstand the gravity of a black hole?> Adrestia asks, pushing down her boot. Time is feeling the effects of her power, so the sound of bones cracking is heard in slow motion from the perspective of the audience.

Hermes fights as much as he can, but even he has limits and eventually loses consciousness.

Adrestia steps off his back, just in time for Tyche to land on the arena coming to her father’s aid.

<This is not over, sister> she threatens.

<Half-sister. And you’re not the one who decides that> Adrestia warns her, looking at Thoth.

<Hermes is no longer able to fight. The winner is Adrestia, Goddess of Revenge.>

The two half-sisters look at each other with pure disdain, but it’s Tyche who backs off first: she flies towards her temple, carrying the unconscious Hermes in her arms.

<Let’s see how well you do in the tournament without the Goddess of Luck on your side> Adrestia says looking at the mortals in the audience.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.