Null Tower, New York City

Unlike the two previous buildings by the same name, the current Null Tower hasn’t seen much action: there has been no alien invasion or superhuman attack after the defeat of the Winter King. The Operation Center on the top floor, however, is identical to the previous versions: for all her genius, Noriko Null is a creature of habit. The last four weeks have proven it: almost every evening has included a dinner with Oluwa Kalu, the Nobel Peace Prize winner from Nigeria, and a lively discussion about the future humanitarian endeavors of the Null Foundation.

<So it turns out nobody can agree about which treaties apply to Antarctica> she says before taking a slice of pizza from the plate resting on the same coffee table that acts as a holographic projector.

<I assume that’s why you built Midgard Station in an unclaimed area> Kalu suggests.

<At first, yes, as a place where I could build and test weapons for planetary defense. But then I realized it could be something more. Kalu, you’ve worked in the poorest places on the planet, can you get me a list of people who need a job and don’t mind leaving Africa for Antarctica?>

<I’m sure that can be arranged.>

<Good, ‘cause I’m looking to hire 250.000 people to work in Midgard at 2.000 dollars a month.>

<You want to hire a quarter million people? Why?>

<I want to build a country> she answers with her mouth full.

The African man is left with jaw dropped while she swallows and drinks a glass of soda.

<What?> she then asks, surprised by his bewilderment.

<You’re serious> he realizes.

<Yeah, why not? It’s just six billion dollars a year.  I can finance it with the profits from the Plasma Reactors, at least until the country can sustain itself.>

<I don’t doubt you have the money. But is this really the best way to use it?>

<You said it yourself, Kalu, throwing money at the world’s problems won’t solve them. I tried working with the system to improve the standard of living of other countries and it’s been a total failure. So I’m going to create a new system.>

<And why would you hire these people? Construction work?>

<No, I have the Nullbots for that. They can build roads, buildings and infrastructure, but I’ll need people for the factories, the schools, the farms…>

<Farms? In Antarctica?>

<Sure, shielded in domes. The rest of the city will be protected by a combination of forcefields and self-heating walls; holograms can take care of the light reflected by the stone and of the…>

<I see you’ve given this a lot of thought.>

<Actually, I came up with the idea yesterday and spent the night working on the blueprints. So, come on, what do you think?> she asks excitedly.

<It’s… ambitious. But why hire people from Africa?>

<I’ve been impressed by your work, Kalu. It made me realize how much work there is to do on this world; while I was busy planning cities on the Moon, you were helping children who lost limbs in long-forgotten wars. It hit me at a… personal level> she admits, touching her artificial arm.

<You shouldn’t feel guilty about anything, Null. After curing AIDS, in many African countries you’re practically considered a goddess.>

<Don’t say that word. And please, call me Noriko> she says, holding his hand and getting a little closer. He wonders if he’s just imagining things or if she really is blushing.

<Alright, Noriko. I’d say you can call me Oluwa, but…>

<…you prefer to go by your last name, I know. I’ve watched you closely, Kalu; I’m very particular about the people I work with. I went looking for a flaw. They always come up when you look at a person close enough> she explains, now so close that he can practically feel her breath on his lips.

<Well I’m… I’m sure you found… something> he blabbers, until she puts a finger on his mouth.

<Yeah. You don’t stop talking when a girl is trying to kiss you.>

She takes the initiative, pulling him closer; their lips would touch if it wasn’t for the sudden flash of light that illuminates the room before transforming into a human being.

<Hey Nori, sorry to barge in but any news from… ah… am I interrupting something?> Quantum asks, finding his boss moments away from kissing a man he doesn’t recognize.

<How many freakin’ times have I told you to call before you get inside!?> Noriko chastises him, while wasting no time in getting some space from Kalu and acting as normal as possible.

<Mister Quantum, it is a great honor to meet a real hero> Kalu greets him, shaking his hand and pretending this is a normal way to meet a person.

<Ah, thanks? No, seriously, did I interrupt you guys?>

<This is Oluwa Kalu, Quantum. We were just discussing business.>

<Really. It seemed like a very fun business> he jokes, finding it hilarious how the Slayer of Gods is taking this seriously; she grabs his arm and practically drags him away from Kalu.

<What do you want!?> she asks in a whispering tone.

<I wanted to know if you had news from Lily and the others.>

<I’ve already told they can’t transmit while in the Apollo territory! I’ll inform you as soon as I have news, now can you please go back home!?>

<What, you’re not introducing me to your new friend?>

<No I’m not, and don’t you dare say a word of what you’ve seen to my father or Kari!>

<What is this, sixth grade? You’re the only one making a scene about going on a date.>

<I’m not making a scene, now go home> she says, making her silver eyes shine brightly to stress she’s deadly serious. Despite how funny teasing her can be, Quantum decides to obey.

<Nice meeting you, sir! Have fun!> he says waving at Kalu, before disappearing.

<You have… interesting friends> the Nigerian comments.

<And he’s the most normal of them. We should call it a night> she decides.

<I thought we had business to discuss> he responds, placing his hands on her shoulders.

<You should be careful. What I said about finding flaws the closer you get… if you knew half of them about me, you would despise me.>

<I don’t see any flaw from here> he answers, kissing her.


40,000 light-years away

Kari Zel is bored out of her mind, looking at the screen that tracks the trajectory of her ship: it’s been over six weeks since they’ve left Myridia, but the Apollo sector is still far away. It’s not just the length of the journey that bothers her, but the knowledge that the Ragnarok would’ve needed less than a day to reach this point using the Negative Drive. Even a capital ship would’ve taken a little over a week. But the mercantile she’s borrowed can only fly 350,000 times faster than light.

She decides to leave the piloting to one of her duplicates and to talk to her traveling companion Lily, who hasn’t taken her eyes off the sensor screen for hours.

<Something interesting?> Kari asks, suppressing a yawn.

<Not really. I’m just memorizing the sensor logs; there isn’t much data about this sector, since we are past the border of the Mortal Republic and it used to be crawling with Artemis space pirates.>

<What do you mean you’re memorizing? Just by looking at it?>

<Yes, Lampyrians have perfect memory. I remember everything since I hatched from my egg.>

<I just realized I don’t really know much about your people, or about you. What’s your story, Lily?>

<Nothing special, really. When I was two weeks old I heard that the Blue Rose was looking for agents, so I signed up without hesitation.>

<You… signed? At two weeks old?> Kari repeats, trying to understand if the blue alien is joking.

<Of course. Lampyrians typically learn how to read and write in two or three days. You have to understand that, before Null created her elixir, we used to have a lifespan of two years… we couldn’t afford to waste any time. So we evolved the fastest brains in the universe.>

<That’s crazy!>

<Hey, Myridians can create thousands of duplicates of themselves, give birth without eggs and don’t even have wings; it’s a weird galaxy> Lily shrugs, just in time to see the screen light up with data.

<We’re picking up hundreds of ships flying headed for the Mortal Republic> she says.

<This sector now belongs to Adrestia, who doesn’t have commercial ties with the Republic. You think this could be an invasion?> Kari asks.

<Maybe, but something is off. The ships are too small for a crew, they might be surveillance drones or… crap. I recognize this energy signature! We have to get the heck out of here!>

<Why? What signature are we talking about, Lily?>

<Talos robots> the blue-skinned alien answers, looking like she’s just seen a ghost.

<That’s impossible, all Talos robots have been destroyed! The only one who knew how to build them was Hephaestus, and I’m a 100%… well… I’m 99% sure he’s still dead!> Kari protests.

Then everything inside the ship shakes violently, as if it just crashed against something. There are no visible damages, but a quick look at the navigational screen shows they’ve stopped moving.

<I know it’s unprofessional, but I’m about to freak out> Lily admits.

<Relax, the Vanguard deals with this kind of stuff all the time> Kari tries to reassure her.

However, when a flash of light marks the appearance of an eight feet tall robot who looks like a Talos painted in black and red, even she feels this is a no win situation.

<Stand back! 10K Rise!!!> she shouts; every muscle of her body tenses and her purple hair glows while she increases her strength and speed by a factor of ten thousand.

<Subjects identified: Kari Zel and Lily Elosia. Objective: capture alive.>

<Capture this!> Kari threatens the robot, moving too fast to allow it to react to her kick; despite weighing almost a ton, the robot is thrown back against the hull and makes the ship vibrate loudly.

<Careful! This ship has no integrity field, if you break the hull we’re dead!> Lily warns her.

<Sorry, I still don’t know the strength of this form> Kari admits, watching the robot get back on its feet; she’s scratched away some of the red paint, and she can see the shining white metal beneath it.

<Σηιτ. Neutral Matter… it’s really a Talos.>

<Incorrect. This unit is an Oni, a loyal servant of Amaterasu.>

<Whatever, we’re not coming with… wait, you’re a servant of who!?>

<Kari, there’s something else coming our way, something very fast> Lily warns her.

And in fact, in a few seconds a ship appears in the main viewscreen. An exact replica of the Ragnarok, the only difference being the word painted in white on the side: “Apocalypse”.

<That doesn’t look good> Kari admits, returning to her base form: Neutral Matter is utterly indestructible, making this Oni an adversary above her level.

<Alright then. Take us to your leader> she says.


Argos, 100 light-years from Earth

The building that houses the Mortal Senate is so monumental that it includes hundreds of office rooms, the most important of which is designed for its President. But Alexar Syzar is not alone in his office right now: his wife Aura, serving as the Minister of War, is there together with Adrestia, Goddess of Revenge. And both women are quite upset.

<Just allow me to take a fleet and secure the border!> Aura shouts, leaning against the desk to further highlight her point. Contrasting with the intensity of the seven feet tall giantess, Adrestia stands at attention with her hands behind her back.

<A show of strength would go a long way towards appeasing my family> she reminds him.

<With all due respect, Your Grace, my subjects are tired of war. Since we have not been attacked->

<Your voters. Not your subjects> Aura reminds him. Syzar decides to ignore her and continues:

<Since we have not been attacked, we will not join your military campaign.>

<Should you not put such motion to a vote?> the goddess asks.

<As the commander-in-chief of our military branch, the Mortal Constitution gives me autonomy in dealing with foreign governments> he continues, looking at Aura as he speaks.

<Tread lightly, mortal. As the Goddess of Revenge and Retribution, it would be unwise to lose my favor. In fact…> Adrestia explains, when screams coming from outside the building become too loud to be ignored.

<What is this commotion?> Syzar asks, turning his chair towards the window.

He can see the sun being slowly obscured by a black disk; he recognizes it as an eclipse from his experience on other worlds, but since Argos doesn’t have a moon it should be impossible.

<I believe it is… retribution> Adrestia cryptically comments.

The sun is completely blocked for a few seconds. Then a red silhouette appears inside it, belonging to a woman wearing a flowing dress. And then the sun starts talking.

<My children, this is a blessed day. I speak to you from my new throne, reclaimed from the sector once ruled by the false goddess Artemis, to announce you that all the worlds in this galaxy will soon bask in my glorious light. Olympus shall fall, under the might of the One True Goddess: AMATERASU> the sun says, and once the last word is uttered it seems to explode in a million rays of bright red light. Then everything disappears, returning the star to its normal color and brightness.

<Well? What do we do now, “commander-in-chief”?> Aura asks, crossing her arms.

<Gather the fleets. Call for an emergency session of the Mortal Senate. Contact our allies> Syzar answers immediately. He then takes a deep breath, fists tight enough to make his knuckles white.

<And call Noriko Null> he reluctantly adds.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.