Ekron, Heaven

Even if nobody can die as long as they’re in Heaven, non-Demons can only stomach for so long breathing air filled with Ichor.

Torn opens a portal back to the throne room, where Kari Zel can at least try to recover.

<Don’t take it the wrong way, but your father’s “ideal Demon world” sucks. It’s like the planet itself hates my guts.> she says.

<Not just the planet. It’s the Dark Galaxy itself… Demon legends say that nothing alive can survive there.> Torn replies, facing the window that oversees the city.

Without his father’s help, Kari can barely see anything between the darkness and the black fog. But she does realize something about the earlier vision.

<There were plenty of people in the city, why don’t we see anyone else in this castle, or whatever it is?> she wonders.

<This is supposed to be my father’s idea of a perfect place. He is not what you would call a person of the people.> Torn answers.

<“People person”, and yeah, he makes you look like the most sociable person ever.> Kari jokes, beginning a coughing fit that lasts several seconds.

He waits for her to finish before continuing the conversation.

<You didn’t ask to leave the Dark Sanctuary to “catch your breath”.> he realizes.

<What gave you that idea?>

<Myridian physiology is superior to most other human races, and yet both Null and Quantum are still enduring its hostile environment.>

<Well, maybe I thought you needed a moment away from your father.>

<A thoughtful but ineffective strategy: Heaven won’t allow us to harm him, and he is too attuned to this reality to be taken by surprise.>

<I meant to collect your thoughts, Torn, not to attack him!>

<Oh. In that case, Kari, I have been separated from my father for more than twice your age. I have had all the time away from him that I needed, and yet not nearly enough.>

<Your father is, well, you might give Noriko some competition for “Vanguard member with the worst parent”. I’d understand if you hated him.>

<There are positive sides to him. My mother was fond of him, he trained me well, and unlike Vesta’s father he did not eat or try to eat any of his children. I can’t think of anything else.>

<I’d say he ties with Leiko then. But at least he didn’t try to kill you, right?>

<He trained me well.> Torn repeats.

<And you’re okay with him helping us escape Heaven? Because he’ll definitely follow us back to the real universe.>

<I accept it is necessary. I will kill him later.>

<Are you sure about that? I know you had to kill your sister before, but that was different.>

<It wasn’t. I killed Pain because she was responsible for my mother’s death, because she threatened my family, and because she was bound to spread mindless violence against other species. My father is on the same trajectory: his disdain for what he considers inferior races has only worsened over the centuries.>

<What “he” considers, uh? So you don’t think Demons are the superior race?>

<On a biological level, we are objectively superior to all sapient mortals.>

<Oh really.> Kari replies, crossing her arms defiantly.

<The Lar have longer lives, the Lampyrians learn faster than us, and humans breed faster than us, but no average mortal can defeat the average Demon. And yet my time away from Hell has taught me that physical superiority is meaningless: younger races have outpaced us in different ways, while Hell has stagnated in complacency. But my father is too lost in dogma to see that.>

<Glad to hear you say that. And I think this is the longest conversation we’ve ever had!>

<It is this planet’s atmosphere. It is invigorating.> Torn admits.

Then he has to pause for another of Kari’s coughing fits to end.

<To some.> he qualifies.


The Dark Sanctuary

Quantum is finding it hard to stay awake. Noriko has been studying the inscriptions of the sanctuary with great interest, and even Leiko seems to be fascinated by the archeological discovery.

However, he doesn’t find anything worthwhile in the assembly of unreadable cuneiform letters or in the creepy icons and statues, and he’s not even considering the possibility of striking a conversation with Torn’s father.

So he decides to interrupt Noriko in her reading to ask:

<Is this going to take long? You’re a fast reader, I’m sure you already memorized everything.>

<Max, this is incredible. This is the original text of the Epic of Gilgamesh! We don’t even have it on Earth, we mostly discovered the Akkadian translation.>

<I hear it’s not as good as the original.> he jokes.

<And this the complete version! The core story is the same, but there are concepts that early human cultures couldn’t understand… I’m assuming it was passed down in oral tradition, just like in Greek mythology there are significant differences from what we’ve discovered.>

<Such as?>

<I still haven’t figured out some of it… it’s taking me a while because some terms don’t have a direct equivalent in the Sumerian that was used on Earth.>

<I can be of assistance. I have learned the language; Sumerian is still spoken in the Dark Galaxy, unchanged in the past eons.> Reaper joins the discussion.

Noriko and Quantum exchange looks. They both know they can’t trust him, but if they have any hope of finding Gilgamesh and escaping Heaven he’s a useful ally.

<Right. According to this, just as in the myth, Gilgamesh was two-thirds god and one-third mortal. Whatever the heck that is supposed to mean. But if he helped overthrow Kronos as you said, he must have lived a million years ago. That’s too early for him to be human, since people from Earth weren’t taken off-planet to populate the Galaxy for another 400 thousand years. The only humanoids alive at the time should have been the Lar and the Demons, but he was neither.>

<Correct. Gilgamesh was an Ur of partial divine heritage.>

<Another alien species? Why have I never heard of them?>

<Because the Ur abandoned the Olympian Galaxy long before your race was bred to seed the realm of Zeus, and they have not set foot there ever since. Their descendants still live in the Babylon Galaxy, the realm of Marduk.>

<And if I read this correctly, he eventually found a Gate of Heaven there. Going there is the last thing he does in this version of the tale.> Noriko says, pointing at the stone block filled with inscriptions. Reaper just nods to confirm.

<Not to interrupt this lovely history lesson, but how does this lead us to restoring our souls and returning to reality?> Leiko asks. Clearly her fascination for alien temples has limits.

<That’s just part of our mission now. We also have to stop Roxiana from recovering the Tablet Of Destinies: I’m sure it’s what she was after. And I’m willing to bet anything that she’s following the steps of Gilgamesh. Reaper, has she been to the Dark Galaxy? The real one, I mean?> Noriko asks.

<She could not survive there, like all non-Demons. But she is aware of the history of Gilgamesh; she knew all about him even before she first came to Hell.> he confirms.

<Then could you use your connection to Ichor and to her? Quantum can open passages through sections of Heaven; with your help…> she starts to formulate a plan.

<We should not go there. First we find Vesta.> Torn interrupts, returning with Kari.

<Torn, I’m sure she’s fine.> Noriko reassures him.

<That is not the issue. Roxiana will be in full control of her section of Heaven, as will be Abyss in hers. They are both formidable opponents that only the full Vanguard could face, and you are just a shadow of your full self now.> Torn insists.

<Yeah I agree with him. We couldn’t even beat Torn’s dad here, but remember how tough Abyss was when we fought her in Hell? This is going to be a thousand times worse!> Quantum adds.

<Plus we are on a tight schedule, right? Didn’t Torn say Heaven is going to self-destruct if we don’t get out of here? Having Vesta by our side will definitely make any fight shorter.> Kari agrees.

<It seems I’m being outvoted.> Noriko notes.

<So we’re voting now? Aren’t you supposed to be an Empress?> Leiko wonders.

<Yes, but just because I’m the one calling the shots doesn’t mean I’m not going to listen to other people’s opinions.>

<This is the kind of leadership you approve from the Regent of Hell? How low has demonkind fallen.> Reaper asks Torn, with a disapproving tone. His son ignores the remark.

<Alright, you’ve convinced me: Vesta first, Roxiana second. We still have to find a way to reach Vesta’s sector of Heaven, which we’ve failed spectacularly before.> Noriko says.

<You didn’t need to add “spectacularly”.> Quantum complains.

<It is a fool’s errand. I already told you, gods cannot enter Heaven. Your goddess is not here.> Reaper insists once again.

<So you keep saying. But I sense her soul, I just can’t find exactly where it is.> Torn says.

<Maybe if you two work together?> Kari suggests.

<No.> father and son answer in unison.

<Uhm, maybe I can be of help? I am a Demon now, sort of.> Leiko timidly raises her hand: everyone else is too used to hang around Demons to have given it too much attention, but her body has been that of a Demon since she was affected by Torn’s Heaven.

<With no experience in using the Blood. But since this realm amplifies our abilities, it is worth shooting.> Torn agrees taking Leiko’s hand.

<“Worth a shot”. Are you sure? She’s not a full person, remember, just a fraction of the real deal.> Noriko reminds him.

<So are you at the moment, Null.> Torn replies, extending the other hand to Quantum.

<I will attempt to search for Vesta’s soul. Expand yours, it will act as a beacon.>

<Are you asking me or her?> Quantum asks.

<Her. Your soul is too loud and your mind too stubborn for this.>

<Ten years around humans and still no people skills.> Quantum comments under his breath.

Torn concentrates on Leiko; only Noriko and Reaper sense what he’s doing.

<Find your center. Focus your energy. And lead us to the fire.> he tells her.

A strange energy emanates from Quantum, enveloping everyone.


Elsewhere in Heaven, near a shore

While the Vanguard is well used to teleportation and portals, moving across different parts of Heaven is far more disorienting.

Noriko takes a while to adjust, and when she looks at herself she complains at her clothes having been replaced by a white tunic.

<Again? I hate these freaking things!>

<Oh stop complaining, you look fine as always.> Kari reassures her.

Quantum is not much happier about wearing what is essentially just a skirt, but he’s more surprised as he looks at Kari.

<Okay I get why Vesta’s Heaven has us dressed as Ancient Greeks, but why would she wish for Kari to turn into a blonde?>

<Not the most surprising change.> Leiko adds. She’s back to being human, obviously dressed like the others, but that’s not what surprised her.

<Odd.> Torn comments, staring at his hands. His skin is no longer red, but a very human shade of light brown.

<Only a goddess would find such an inferior shape an improvement.> Reaper complains.

He also looks like a human, and without his red skin his age becomes more apparent; he’s still in remarkable shape despite looking like he’s in his late seventies.

<I admit this is odd, but we’ve all gone through weirder suff. Let’s have a clearer picture of where exactly we are. I don’t seem to have any technology on me, so… Max, do a quick search of the place.> Noriko takes command.

<Uhm, Nori? That’s going to be a problem. My powers aren’t working.> he reveals.

<Mine either.> Kari adds, finding herself unable to duplicate.

<I sense no Blood here.> Torn confirms.

<Well that’s just perfect. Okay, old-fashioned detective work it is.> Noriko declares, looking around. She doesn’t exactly recognize the place, but it’s close enough to Earth.

<We’re right next to the sea. An island, perhaps. No visible structures.> she says out loud.

<Let’s ask around.> Kari suggests, being the first to leave the group after identifying the only other living being on sight.

There’s a person sitting on the rocks that face the sea. An old woman draped in a simple peplos, staring into the distance.

<Excuse me, madam? This must sound strange, but do you know where we are?>

<Come sit with me. It’s lovely here.> the old woman answers.

Kari jumps onto the rocks, sitting next to the woman. She looks even older up close, and her long white hair is now visible from beneath her veil.

<Do you remember the first time you truly found happiness, Kari? Because I found it here.>

<How do you know my name?> Kari asks, moving around to look at the old woman in the face.

Despite the wrinkles and the damage done to her skin by decades of exposure to the sun, she would recognize those bright green eyes anywhere.

<Vesta!? Why… how are you old?>

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.