Klito, Aphrodite Sector

Like most popular places on the planet, the cave that houses the Gate of Heaven used to be a regular destination to worship Aphrodite.

However when control over the immediate vicinity was transferred to the Olympian government due to its interest in galactic securities, orgies have been strictly banned.

Which is why when a powerful earthquake hits the mountain, there are no victims despite the massive avalanche it causes.

The security personnel outside the cage leaves in a hurry, letting the instruments intent on analyzing the Gate to be buried under hundreds of tons of rubble.

Once the dust finally settles, a blast of pure kinetic energy coming from what used to be a cave creates an opening to the outside world.

Two women step into the light of the early morning: an Asian with silver eyes wearing leather clothes, and a Myridian with purple hair in a military uniform.

Anyone in this galaxy would identify them as Noriko Null and Kari Zel, but something more worrisome has been delivered to reality.

<We made it! We escaped Heaven!!!> General Zel celebrates, giddy with excitement.

<We need a starship.> Rei Null says, holstering her Genius Gun and deactivating the forcefield that allowed them to survive the earthquake.

<Boss, can’t we enjoy the moment just for once?> the General asks, feeling the need to celebrate.

The grim expression on Rei’s face tells her this is the wrong moment.

<The Gate is not going to hold forever. When Heaven’s energy bleeds into this universe, it will wipe out this entire Galaxy.>

<But that was part of the plan, wasn’t it?>

<The plan was for me to keep the Vial of Destiny; that would have protected me from the deflagration. Thanks to my mother, now we need to place at least a hundred million light-years between us and the Gate.>

<Right. Speaking of the Empress, where is she? I don’t see her or the Vanguard.> the General wonders, looking around.

<They’re still in Heaven. When my mother broke the Vial, she interrupted our simulated reality. Heaven simply moved all of them to a different sector, but it couldn’t do the same to us two: the Actualization Locks now align us with this reality.> Rei explains, holding up her arm to show off the bracelet on her left wrist. It has a faint blue glow, and the General wears an identical one.

<Too bad we didn’t manage to recover the Tablet of Destinies before leaving. That could’ve come handy to stop the…> the General comments, then pausing when something comes to her mind.

<We’ve wasted enough time. We need a starship.> Rei repeats.

<Wait a second. You were still fine with leaving Heaven without the Tablet…>

<That’s right. I could have used it to stop the destruction of Heaven, but the Vial would have protected me regardless.>

<But the Vial protects only one person at a time. What about me?>

<No sense dwelling on the past. Our priorities are surviving the destruction of this Galaxy and making our transition to this universe permanent. Unless you wish to wear the Actualization Locks forever.> Rei quickly changes the subject.

<Yeah. Sure. I’m already on it.> General Zel nods, with hundreds of her duplicates already spreading around the landscape.

And while she keeps her silence, she wonders whether she chose the right tyrant to follow.


Somewhere in Heaven

A moment ago, Noriko Null was standing in Rei’s laboratory. After that reality broke, she was blinded by a bright light… and now she finds herself underwater.

Her first instinct is to hold her breath, followed by looking around to understand where she is.

The only thing she can see is her mother going into a panic, waving her arms around trying to swim to the surface while air escapes from her mouth.

Noriko seriously contemplates leaving her there, but she reluctantly swims towards her. She grabs her arm and does her best to bring them towards the surface, without much hope of actually accomplishing her goal.

Judging by the way the light refracts over the water, she estimates it would take her over five minutes to get out of the water. Her brain can survive without oxygen for much longer than that, but her body is another story… especially since she also has to drag Leiko.

Fortunately for them, two Kari duplicates have already reached them. Myridian muscles do the same journey in thirty seconds, pushing mother and daughter on the shore of an island.

Leiko coughs heavily, grasping for air. It’s not as gratifying as it should: despite being at sea level, the air pressure is more comparable to one of the highest mountains on Earth.

<I didn’t need your help. I’m immortal in Heaven.> Leiko complains.

<Are we sure we’re still there?> Kari wonders, looking around.

<It sure isn’t Earth or Klito.> Noriko says, pointing at the two suns in the sky.

<Where did you send us!?> Kari shouts to Leiko, grabbing her by the neck of her clothes.

<Get your hands off me!> Leiko protests, trying to break free of Kari’s hold. But even Kari isn’t using the 10K-Rise and is technically physically older now, there’s no contest.

<Check her for weapons. And don’t let your eyes off her, no matter what.> Noriko instructs her, concentrating on her Soul Relay to contact the rest of the Vanguard.

<I came to the Gate Of Heaven as an ally, you know.> Leiko complains, allowing Kari to take any device she holds in her pockets.

<And you also clearly have your memories back, so I’m not trusting you anytime soon.> Noriko clarifies.

<She’s clear. Did you injure yourself?> Kari asks Leiko, noticing something on the palm of her right hand: a small patch of blackened skin, like a bruise but much darker.

<Just a scratch when I broke the Vial of Destiny. You should be thanking me for neutralizing your opponent, Noriko. Now you have no obstacles preventing the destruction of Heaven.> Leiko replies, scratching the bruise. She doesn’t want to admit it, but it itches like crazy.

<If we ended up in the location of the Tablet Of Destinies, sure. But I have no way to confirm whether that’s the case, and I can’t get a hold of the rest of the Vanguard.> Noriko admits.

<Well if it’s not it, this has to be where Roxiana ended up.> Kari suggests.

<Possibly. Every time I’ve crossed into a different part of Heaven, the person at the center of it wasn’t far away… Roxiana should logically be nearby as well.>

<I agree. We should split up for the search.> Leiko suggests, taking a single step forward before two Kari duplicates appear on her path with their arms crossed.

<Seriously? You think we’re that dumb?> they both ask.

<Kari’s duplicates will handle the search. You’re staying right where I can see you.> Noriko reaffirms.

Several Kari duplicates move in different directions, with just the original staying behind.

<Have a few of your bodies build us some sort of shelter. This could take time.> Noriko adds, taking her time to take off her boots and her green leather jacket before she sits down on the beach.

<You can’t be serious. It’s only a matter of time before Heaven explodes! Do something!> Leiko complains.

<I’m doing what I do best: think. Not having my feet killing me or a sunburn helps, so why don’t you try something new for once in your life and shut up!?> Noriko responds.

Leiko scoffs at her, refusing to let down her guard. She just stares at her daughter taking the N-Phone off her pocket and using it to analyze the place.

<Anything useful?> she then asks, scratching the bruise once again.

<I’m not detecting any radio communications. I suppose this is a low-tech planet, or possibly even an uninhabited one. I’ll know more once the sun sets and I’ll be able to check the stars.>

A long silence, filled only by the sound of the waves crashing on the beach.

<You’re mad at me.> Leiko finally says.

<You might have doomed us all and threatened the existence of several galaxies, but you know what? No, surprisingly I’m not mad.> Noriko admits.

<I had to break the Vial. I was helping you.>

<No, you were helping yourself. Like you always do. And now I have to fix the mess you made, like I always have to. I would be mad at you if I still cared, but honestly? I’m done giving you chances, mother. I really am.>

<Then why am I here and not at the bottom of the sea?>

<Because I’m not gonna leave you in a place where you can potentially take over an entire dimension of unlimited power. I’m going to drag you back to reality and make damn sure you stay where you make the least damages possible.>

<Are you thinking about putting me in jail again?> Leiko asks, now repeatedly scratching the bruise against the leg of her pants trying to handle the itch. It doesn’t help.

<I’m considering it. Taking out your memories didn’t really work out, so… what the hell are you doing now?> Noriko asks, now that her mother’s scratching has become suspicious.

<It’s nothing.> Leiko insists, but Kari now gets close enough to grab her wrist and prevent her from continuing scratching.

Much to her surprise, the black patch of skin is now at least twice the size from minutes earlier.

<Nori, I think you should take a look at this.> she suggests.

Noriko reluctantly agrees, but by her expression it’s easy to see she doesn’t like this.

<It’s nothing, I said. Just a scratch.> Leiko insists.

<Looks more like an infection to me. Just not any kind I’ve ever seen.>

<Even if that were true, it can’t be anything serious. Heaven rebuilt my body from a puddle of blood, it can take care of this.> Leiko says.

<If that’s the case, why is it growing?> Kari asks.

<Your duplicates better hurry up with that shelter. I should examine her more closely.> Noriko orders, starting to get worried.

Not for her mother’s life… in addition to their complicated relationship, she’s currently immortal… but because of what she suspects might be happening.


Beneath the water

Thanks to his power of transforming his body into energy, Quantum is more than used to adjusting his senses on the fly.

A second ago he was in Leiko’s imaginary world, fighting Rei’s robots in the form of a laser.

Now he’s suddenly submerged in water, which scrambles his photons. He quickly returns to human form in order to reassemble his particles, then switching to radio waves: they’re far more comfortable for moving in water.

As radio waves he bounces off the body of Vesta as she’s flying towards the surface. He ponders whether he should consider it swimming or flying, but either way she’s moving way faster than she typically does.

Following her, he understands why she’s in such a hurry: she’s carrying the body of her husband Theodoros, and unlike her the old man can’t breathe underwater.

<Is he alright?> Quantum asks, returning to human form on the atoll where Vesta just landed.

<He’s unconscious but his heart’s still beating. He’s stronger than he looks, trust me.> she defends him, holding his hand as she watches over her lover.

<So, uhm, bad news: none of the others are responding to the Soul Relay. Looks like we’ve been separated, again.> he informs her.

<You can go looking for them if you want. I’m staying right here.> she vows.

<Okay. I’ll do a quick search of the planet. Noriko should be able to find a way to get us home.>

<I hope she does, Max. Because Theodoros and I are not going to leave Heaven.>

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.