Imperial Palace, Earth

Noriko Null is at her desk, reviewing on her holographic tablet the information she receives from across the Olympian Empire.

She doesn’t react when Athena walks into her office, even when she takes off her helmet and stands at attention. Noriko doesn’t even look at her.

<A-hem.> the goddess clears her throat.

<You need something?> Noriko asks, still concentrating on the tablet.

<We need to talk. I asked for a confidential meeting on my planet, and instead I received an invitation for the coronation of the next Winter King.>

<I find these things boring myself. But if I can make the effort to be there, then all the vassals will have to join. It’ll be a good signal that the Winter Kingdom is as important as the Athenian Federation.> Noriko answers, then puts away the tablet to look at Athena in the eye and ask:

<Unless you think otherwise?>

<The Federation is the backbone of the Olympian Empire. And the so-called king you resurrected is a brain-damaged puppet that is only useful to parrot your own ideas to his people.>

<Damn, Athena, you’re cranky today. Have a seat.>

<I will stand.>

<Sit down, Athena.> Noriko insists, her silver eyes shining as she looks at the goddess.

Without showing emotion, Athena sits on one of the two chairs in front of Noriko’s desk, placing her helmet on the second one.

<You made a mistake.> she then tells her Empress.

<I appreciate the honesty. What mistake?>

<I analyzed your report from your journey through Heaven. Which I suspect is heavily redacted to remove details you don’t wish to reveal. I have no complains about that, mind you, I would have done the same in your place.>

<Lemme guess: you wouldn’t have used the Tablet Of Destinies the same way I did.> Noriko nods.

<Indeed. I understand some of your wishes: destroying Heaven was regrettable but necessary, and limiting access to its last remnant to yourself and the Vanguard was a smart move…>

<I sense a “but” coming.>

<But resurrecting the Demons killed by Ares and the Lar royals killed by the previous Winter King? Not only you wasted three wishes for these resurrections, but that cost us the alliance with Hades. With nothing of value in return.> Athena criticizes her.

<Hundreds of millions of Demons are alive because of my decision, Athena, and we brought back stability to the Winter Kingdom. My only regret is having to use two wishes to resurrect the Demons, since the Tablet needed to recover their intrinsic signatures first.>

<Are you sure you are evaluating of the situation purely through the lens of the good of the Olympian Galaxy, Noriko? It seems to me that your sense of guilt for not preventing those deaths the first time weighted heavily on your selection of wishes.>

<The Demons are a powerful ally that has been revitalized and the Winter Kingdom’s instability was a constant drain of resources, so yes, it was also in the interest of the Empire. But more importantly, Athena, it was the right thing to do.>

<You are underestimating the strategic importance of having Hades as an ally.>

<I could ask if you are underestimating the Demons as an ally.>

<Please, Noriko, be serious. Hades is a Class-1 god and a member of the Nine Gods. Whereas the Demons… I could wipe out their planet out of existence without breaking a sweat. Hypothetically speaking, of course.>

<Uh-uh. And knowing you, I suppose you have a solution in mind?>

<Always. It is my understanding that not only you have one wish left, but that the Tablet can be used to travel thought time.>

<That’s correct.>

<Then wish to be sent back in time before you made the wishes; that would reset everything. Destroy Heaven and create the portal to the Null Zone like you already did, but after that…>

<I know where this is going. You want me to give the Tablet to you.> Noriko deduces.

<It would be the wisest choice. I’m sure you agree.>

<I don’t like the idea of changing history; we don’t know if and how it’s even possible, or what the ramifications could be. Besides, the Demons would still have to be resurrected. That’s not negotiable and I won’t discuss that point any longer.>

<I see.> Athena nods, hiding her disappointment.

<But if you have one wish that could solve all the galaxy’s problems, Athena, you could just tell me what it is and I’d use the Table to grant it. Unless, of course, that wish was just to give you more power… but you’d never do that, right?>

<Obviously. If it’s alright with you, Noriko, I would prefer to ponder more deeply on how to use the Tablet before making my suggestion.>

<That’s a splendid idea.> Noriko nods, taking a moment to appreciate the absurdity of the situation: Athena knows that she just called her bluff, but neither of them would benefit from outwardly disagreeing. They may be alone in this room, but the stability of the Empire depends in no small part in them working together.

<If there’s nothing else, Athena, I’m very busy.>

<Actually, there is. I have security concerns about the Null Zone.>

<Of course you do.> Noriko sights, rolling her eyes. Knowing Athena, this will take forever.

<You hold two prisoners there of great value who are an immense threat there: Roxiana and Leiko. One is our biggest bargaining chip against Poseidon and the other has the potential to completely unlock the secrets of the Drylon.>

<Which is why I don’t trust imprisoning them anywhere else.>

<But the Null Zone is the current location of the Tablet Of Destinies. And on top of that, it contains the only portal leading to the dimension connecting to the Celestial Galaxy. Just one of these would make it the most strategically important place in the Empire, but all of them put together? It might be the most important place in the Universe.>

“And I didn’t even mention the Soul of Kronos I keep there in my report” Noriko thinks, and keeping this a secret she answers:

<I get your concern Athena, but everything you’ve mentioned is secured inside Asgard Station. Which is not only heavily protected, but the whole Null Zone is isolated from the material universe. Except through portals that I control.>

<And you are certain that nobody could possibly replicate your technology.>

<Nobody else discovered the Null Zone for billions of years, Athena.>

<Except Rei, your doppelganger escaped from Heaven, could have inherited that knowledge. Not to mention that Roxiana’s former minion Skorpios could easily access that dimension, thanks to her Drylon device. And even if you could deal with all of them, Noriko, let’s not discount the possibility of a god breaking the dimensional barrier.>

<Do you know any gods who can travel through dimensions? They couldn’t even get to Heaven.>

<You should have learned by now that assuming a weakness that your enemy has yet to demonstrate is a dangerous path, Noriko.>

Noriko leans back, clasping her hands and thinking things through as her silver eyes shine.

<Okay, you’ve got a point there. If anyone else found a way to access the Null Zone, we’d be in serious trouble.>

<I’m glad you see reason. Wouldn’t it be wise to give custody of some of those assets to…>

<I should create a new dimension.> Noriko interrupts her.

It’s extremely hard for Athena to really be surprised by anything, considering her age, divine intelligence and wisdom. But she’s at a loss for words.


<Any dimension that I discover could risk having the same security problems of the Null Zone. But a new artificial dimension would be harder for someone to discover.>

<Yes, I suppose that is true, but…>

<It’s definitely possible, right? Heaven is… was artificial, so the Drylon could do it. Skorpios also had her own pocket dimension, so it wouldn’t require as much power to create as Heaven did.>

<Please don’t tell me that is how you wish to use the Tablet Of Destinies.>

<No, that would be a waste of a wish. But I’ve studied the trans-dimensional technology of both the Amazons, the Lar and the Eden…plus I have some ideas of my own.>

<A most… unorthodox solution to your problems, Noriko. Such an endeavor would certainly take a very long time to implement.>

<Nonsense, it couldn’t possibly take me more than a few months to do it. And it’s not like we’re on a time crunch, right?>

<I suppose the galactic balance of power is stable enough.> Athena answers, but there’s something in her voice that doesn’t sit right with Noriko.

<If you disagree, just say it.>

<It’s not that, Noriko, not exactly. The data at my disposal does support the possibility that your idea would be successful, but… to use a mortal turn of phrase that I’ve never understood until now… I have a bad feeling about this.>



Karnak Galaxy, 212 million light-years from Earth

Near the center of a large spiral galaxy five times bigger than the Milky Way, there’s something that resembles a star in size.

At a distance Ineb-Hedj looks like a sphere made of white bricks, with light emanating from the points where they touch. Its name literally means “white walls” in Egyptian, and it’s so big that only divine power prevents it from crumbling under its own weight.

Against its brightness, a single spot of darkness appears when Ereshkigal steps out of a portal.

<I need to talk to you, Ra, you can continue your nap later.>

The sphere does not react. But something creeps out of it: a human male with a scarab instead of its head, rapidly approaching the goddess.

<Ra The Sun, Ra Who Is Complete, Ra Who Rules The Horizon, does not wish to be disturbed.>

<And who might you be? I’m here for Ra, not to talk to a literal insect.>

<I am Kephri The Rebirth Of Dawn, Kephri The Morning That…>

<Kephri the squashed bug if I don’t talk to Ra right now. I am the Goddess Of Death and I will NOT lower myself by talking to the help!>

<Like I said, Ra does not wish…>

<SPEAK.> a thunderous voice emanates from beneath Ineb-Hedj. There’s no atmosphere here, but the voice of Ra propagates like an earthquake.

<Thank you for the audience, Ra. I wish to discuss something that will change the shape of the Twelve Galaxies for the ages.>


<With all due respect, Ra, this calls for the involvement of the head of the Egyptian Pantheon.>


Ereshkigal can feel something stirring beneath Ineb-Hedj. She thought there was a star within it, but it’s something far more powerful… something she doubts even her own powers could overcome.

<I will take this as you giving your word that you will remain neutral in the…>


Against her will, Ereshkigal is forcefully removed from the surface if Ineb-Hedj.


<As you wish, Lord Ra.> Kephri responds.

The supreme leader of the Egyptian Pantheon returns to his own affairs, not knowing that somewhere the Goddess Of Death is laughing at her plan being easier than she thought.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.