Lampyria, 68,000 light-years from Earth

Lily Elosia has seen more impossible things than the average Lampyrian. In her work as a spy for the Blue Rose and as an ally of the Vanguard, she’s feared for her life several times; but today feels especially hopeless watching the team be uncertain of its own survival.

The sky is turning brighter and brighter, illuminated by the sun becoming visible bigger: Lily knows this is just the sight of the explosion reaching her planet at the speed of light.

<Are you sure you can do this?> she hears Quantum ask Noriko Null.

The Slayer of Gods is looking at the sky, holding in her hand the Iron Key of Heaven. Her eyes are golden and bright, and her expression is as serious as it’s ever been.

<Yes. The Key is fully charged and I’ve run the numbers.> she answers.

<We don’t have any ships left, but Torn can take some survivors. If you can’t stop this thing…>

<What are you talking about, Max? I’m not trying to stop anything!>


<You think this is a magic wand? It’s technology, it can’t reverse the explosion of a star.>

<Then what are we waiting for!? We have to do something to save this planet!!!>

<That’s exactly what I’m about to do. Stop distracting me, my aim needs to be perfect.>

<Your aim for what?> Quantum asks, walking back to give Noriko some space.

Noriko plants her feet and raises her right hand: the key she’s holding starts glowing.

<Let’s go.> she says, and a large pillar of light emanates from her position: it shoots towards the sky, where it expands in all directions into a gigantic halo that extends to the horizon and beyond.

<Is that a shield!?> Quantum asks. He can now see that Noriko is really struggling to hold the Key, even though she’s doing her best to hide how much this is costing her.

<Not exactly. I told you this would blow your mind, didn’t I?> she asks, and she turns the Key.

This creates a second halo, which moves in the same direction and with the same speed of the previous one; but as it expands, it replaces the bright sky with a night full of stars.

<What the… where did the sun go!?> Lily asks.

<No no, the right question is: where did WE go?> Noriko corrects her, lowering her hand; she’s suddenly having a hard time keeping her balance.

<We are still on Lampyria.> Torn answers.

<Well no s#it, Sherlock, but where is… where… I don’t feel so good> she says, fainting. Quantum grabs her before she hits the ground, but the Iron Key of Heaven slips from her hand: its glow rapidly fades away.

<She’s okay. She just passed out.> Quantum reassures his teammates.

<I don’t think she’s okay. She thinks my name is Sherlock.> Torn comments.

<Uhm, guys? I’m as worried about her as you are, but… what just happened?> Lily asks, looking at the sky: she can’t recognize any of the constellations.

<I think what she wanted us to ask was: “where is Lampyria now?”> Quantum understands.


A few million miles away from Lampyria, minutes earlier

Vesta is flying as fast as she can towards the planet, trying her best to outrun the shockwave, but she knows all too well that she can’t reach the speed of light, let alone surpass it.

It’s not a problem for Apollo, who is leisurely flying next to her in his new armor of neutral matter.

<Don’t strain yourself. Just ask my forgiveness and you shall be spared.> he tells her.

<If you think I’m going to grovel, Apollo, you don’t know me at all. I’m going to save my friend and then kick your… what the Hades!?> Vesta exclaims, stopping in her tracks.

She can see a massive halo surround the entire planet of Lampyria. It’s still too far to reach, but even at this distance it’s impossible to miss it… as it’s impossible to ignore the look of utter surprise on Apollo’s face.

<Which god dares to interfere with the holy judgement of the Sun God!?> he wonders.

<No god.> Vesta answers; a halo appears above her head, expanding until it’s a ring that surrounds her whole body and descends down to her feet.

<Just the Vanguard. This isn’t over, Apollo.> she says just as a second halo appears, repeating the same movement of the first: as it does, it makes Vesta disappear.

Apollo turns to watch Lampyria again: the entire planet is engulfed by a halo and disappears on seconds. The Sun God is left alone, with the shockwave of the solar explosion reaching his back.

<No it isn’t, fair Vesta. This is very, very far from being over.>


Lampyria’s new home

Vesta knows a thing or two about being teleported. Normally she doesn’t like the feeling, but this time she didn’t feel anything at all.

She flies towards Lampyria, which she can easily find thanks to the vast swarms of fireflies that from above resemble large cities. It’s the only source of light: not just because there is not electricity to speak of, but because there doesn’t seem to be a star within several light-years.

<Guys? Can anyone hear me?> she asks through the Neural Transmitter.

<Vesta! Are you alright? Where are you?> she hears Kari Zel answer.

<I’m in space, right above you. Where in the galaxy are we?> she wonders, orbiting the planet to get a better view. And when she’s in the right position, looking into the distance she can see the entire Olympian Galaxy.

<Actually, scratch that. I think I know where we are. Is Torn with you?>

<I am> is the predictably short answer the Demon gives.

<You might want to give your people a call.>


<Hell has a new neighbor. Noriko just teleported Lampyria into the Middle Galaxy.> she reveals.


Hell, 163,000 light-years from Earth and 500 light-years from Lampyria

This is another planet that doesn’t orbit a star, but its inhabitants don’t really need it: Hell is kept warm by its intense geological activity, and the sky is constantly illuminated by a permanent cloud of fire sustained by the planet’s link to the Blood.

With most of the population living in underground caves, there is nobody to watch the two women standing in the middle of a sea of lava.

One of them is Vice, Lady Of All Demons and de facto ruler of the planet. She’s standing over the lava, her hands behind her back; her feet are balanced on the tips of spears that plunge into the magma, keeping her at a secure distance from the heat.

The other looks like a Japanese woman wearing a white and red kimono, but she’s not human. The fact that she can survive in this environment should be a clue, but she’s also floating over the lava and her body is glowing.

<Once more, Amaterasu.> Vice tells her, stern but eerily calm.

<Do I have to? Agony promised me she’d take me to the pretty waterfalls!> the goddess complains.

<The Cascades of Fiery Despair. And your tutor will take you there only after our lesson.>

<Ugh, fine!> Amaterasu says, pointing at the lava: a large blob rises towards the air, leaking and spraying lava everywhere; Vice isn’t hit just because she creates an energy sword to block the splash that would otherwise kill her.

<Sorry! Sorry sorry sorry! You’re not mad at me, right?> the goddess asks, genuinely worried.

<You are still unfocused. Watch.> the elder Demon says; without moving a single muscle, she watches a single drop of lava float towards her, trapped inside a tiny bowl of Blood energy.

<Power is nothing without control. You must become one with the target to conquer it.>

<I don’t know what that means.> Amaterasu admits.

<Clearly. You have much to learn, young goddess. Now let’s… uhm. It appears we have a visitor.>

Just as Vice anticipated, a pentagram of fire appears near them. Torn jumps out of it, landing on five energy broadswords that once crossed serve as a platform to avoid falling into the lava.

<My apologies for the interruption, Lady Of All Demons. Amaterasu’s presence is required.>

<We’re going on a trip!?> the goddess asks, excited at the opportunity.

<Torn, I assume it has something to do with the sudden appearance of millions of lifeforms in this galaxy? I sensed a sudden imbalance in the Blood.>

<Indeed. Shall we go? We are in dire need of a sun.>

<Can I go, miss Vice? Please please please?>

<You are not a prisoner, Amaterasu, just a guest. You may come and go as you please.>

<Yay! Road trip!> Amaterasu celebrates enthusiastically, throwing her hands in the air and then flying through the pentagram left open by Torn.

<You may return to the Vanguard. But I expect a full report on the matter, Torn.>

<We will discuss at length about many things, Vice. Starting with Apocalypse.> he says, walking through the portal and disappearing. Vice is left alone, and sighs.

<That young devil and his human associates will be the death of me.>


Palace of the Government

After all that happened, nobody is working in the building tonight: every Lampyrian went home to her family. The exception is Liralia: the doctor is making a special house call.

Noriko Null is asleep in one of the beds reserved for visiting dignitaries, one of the few pressurized rooms suitable for humans. The doctor takes her stethoscope away from her chest and covers up Noriko with the sheet, and even takes the time to attempt fixing her messy hair.

<It’s alright, you can come in.> she says. Quantum doesn’t walk through the door, instead he appears right beside her.

<Is she going to recover?> he asks.

<She’s just exhausted. Any chance you could convince her to take it easy for a few days?>

<You’d have an easier time moving the planet back to its original place. Speaking of which, how’s the population taking things?>

<Lampyrians always look to the future, Quantum. We don’t have the luxury of ruminating on the past; we will adapt.>

<Can I come in?> is the question of another Lampyrian, as Lily Elosia slowly opens the door.

<I’ll leave you two alone; please don’t wake up the patient.> the doctor says, just as the the first rays of dawn reach the planet. It’s a strange sight, since the sun is extremely small.

<Is that really just Amaterasu?> Quantum asks.

<For now. Vesta suggested her to take the hydrogen from a nearby nebula to create a new star; we should have a new sun in a few weeks.>

<That’s cool. So, uhm, I don’t suppose you’re, well, coming back to Earth after this, right?>

<I’ve been offered the position of First Chief of Lampyria. I don’t think I’m qualified to be the leader of a whole planet, but it’s a great opportunity to really push our technological development.>

<I’m happy for you. Really. Even though it means we’re definitely breaking up.>

<I’m sorry, Max, but we were never going to work as a couple. We got together when I was just a kid, and I’m an old woman by now… in my perspective, at least.>

<It kind of feels weird that a three year old is dumping me because she’s too old for me, but I guess you’re right. Just don’t show up on Earth with a blue kid telling me I’m the father.>

<Actually, she’s already fully mature and she’s waiting for you outside that door.>


<Gotcha!> Lily replies with a wink, pushing Max with one of her wings.

<I knew you’d fall for it! You should’ve seen the look on your face!> she says, laughing.

<“An old woman”, uh?> he comments, sighting and rolling his eyes while at the same time smiling.

<Would you please keep it down? I’m trying to sleep.> Noriko says, rolling on the bed to sleep on her side, yawning.

<Next time I move a planet I get to keep a room for myself.>

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.