Null City Grand Cathedral, Myridia

The last thing Noriko Null expected to see inside this opulent temple was a body scanner, but it makes a fair amount of sense: she’s been told that a lot of important people will be present at this council, and the last thing anyone wants is having weapons around.

She graciously accepts being scanned, even taking off her leather jacket for it. She was hoping that security would ask Xenon Arceus to take off his mask, but the secret leader of the Mortal Resistance Movement gets to keep it.

She gets a better glimpse at his female attendants, the human Skorpios and the Lampyrian Leral, who take off their cloaks and cowls for the scan. In addition to showing off their beauty, it also reveals that there are several scars all over their bodies.

<Enjoying the view, Jane Doe? I’ve been told that an appreciation for the female form is a valued attribute for devout Norians.> Xenon tells her. He still believes she’s one of the worshipers.

<It’s… not a prerequisite. Besides, I’m a Vanguardist.> she lies.

<I know. I thought Norians were the highest rank in your ecclesiastical hierarchy.> he points out.

“I really should study those idiotic religions based on me” she thinks, quickly changing the subject:

<I was more interested in the scars of your assistants. They look like remnants of cybernetic surgery, but the scans aren’t revealing any implants.>

<Those are the results of prolonged torture. Punishment for not believing.> Xenon answers. Noticing the expression of disgust on Noriko’s face, he clarifies:

<Not by my congregation, of course. By the Olympians. They came to me in defiance of the gods, hoping to get revenge for their suffering.>

<Speaking of which, you haven’t told me what sect you’re here to represent. I was under the impression that the MRM was a political party, not a religious organization.>

<There are many things you don’t know, young lady. As the saying goes, only Null is perfect.> he enigmatically answers, leaving her alone to mingle with the other guests.

She can’t get a read on him. It’s blatantly obvious that he’s hiding something, but she can’t tell what it is; she fills like she’s being manipulated, and she doesn’t like it one bit.

<Excuse me, brothers and sisters! A moment of your attention, please!> somebody calls, and it’s a voice that doesn’t make Noriko’s day get any better.

The woman who just talked is Ganos Lal, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Null, wearing her ceremonial green leather jacket. But despite being the host of this Council, nobody is really looking at her. Not when the woman next to her, who is wearing a quite revealing white dress, is literally the most beautiful woman in the universe.

<Helen of Troy, Queen of the Apollo Kingdom and wife of the Sun God, has gratefully joined out Council to represent our brothers and sisters who worship Null in her realm!> Ganos Lal announces cheerfully, to a thunderous applause from the crowd.

Noriko tries not to look at Helen, and it takes a lot of effort. Even if she’s wearing the white marble mask that blocks her power to make anyone fall madly in love with her just by looking at her, just her presence feels the room and makes everyone feel light-headed.

Ganos Lal is clearly smitten with her, and her smile fades to be replaced by shock only when she spots Noriko in the crowd.

Before she can make a scene, Noriko gets her attention: she just slowly shakes her head and gestures towards the nearest door.

<Why don’t… why don’t you, ehm, take place in the main hall? We will start the council very soon, if Null wills it, that is.> Ganos Lal nervously announces, leading Helen and others away.

At the same time, she creates a duplicate right next to Noriko.

<Lady Null, I wasn’t aware you would attend the council!> she whispers. Luckily Noriko is used to Kari’s duplicates and to Quantum’s habit to appear out of nowhere.

<We need to talk in private.> she whispers.

<Right this way.> Ganos Lal whispers back, doing her best to lead Noriko away without getting anyone’s attention.


Hell, 163,000 light-years from Earth

With the destruction of the Pandemonium during the Abyss assault and of Desecration Mountain during the Anubis invasion, Hell is currently without a formal seat of government.

The reconstruction has started almost immediately after each attack, but Demons are much better at destroying things than at rebuilding.

Torn walks past the construction workers, busy at repairing the Pandemonium using tools created with the Blood. It’s a slow process, and with most of Hell’s parliament still without a roof the place is illuminated by the clouds of raging fire that envelop the entire planet.

The highest priority was given to the inner chapel that houses the Seat of the Master of Hell, the relatively modest office where the Lord or Lady of All Demons that serves as the Pandemonium’s chairperson. Torn has never been here, so he doesn’t know what to expect when he opens the door.

<Did you summon me, Lady of All… NEEDLE OF THE EYE!> Torn shouts, throwing an energy dagger at the woman sitting in front of the desk of the Lady of All Demons.

She has a snake made of pitch black shadows resting on her shoulders like a strange scarf, and the foul beast moves fast enough to grab the dagger in its jaws before it can stab its owner in the eye.

<Now now. Is this how Hell greets its guests?> the woman says, petting the shadow snake as it eagerly devours the Blood weapon.

<Torn, please stop trying to murder the guest. Take a seat.> Vice tells him. The elderly Lady of All Demons looks older than usual: she still hasn’t fully recovered from her fight with Anubis.

<Why is Eris in Hell?> Torn asks, looking at the goddess with contempt.

<I’m no longer Eris, lackey of Null. Please call me Lilith.>

<Changing your name doesn’t change your crimes.> he points out.

<And what crimes have I committed against Hell?> she asks, smiling smugly and crossing her legs.

Torn doesn’t have an answer for her.

<I thought so. After the fall of Nephthys, the Nine Gods have put me in charge of the foreign policy of the Olympian Galaxy.> Lilith explains.

<So you’ve come to Hell to give a declaration of war?>

<On the contrary. Lilith is here to sign a peace treaty between Hell and Olympus.> Vice says.


Null City Grand Cathedral, Myridia

Ganos Lal feels her heart racing as she gets inside the confessional, which doesn’t leave much space for both her and Null.

<Lady Null, if you wish to attend the council, I would be more than happy to…>

<Cut the crap, Lal, what the heck are you doing around here!?>

<I… I beg you pardon, my lady, but I don’t understand…>

<Who told you that you could hold this kind of council!?>

<Y-you did, Lady Null? I mean, I don’t want to presume to know more than you, but…>

<What could I possibly have told you to make you think I would like this?>

<You… you told me I should not force doctrine on your worshippers. That we should discuss our differences and come to an agreement together… that’s what the council is for. If I misunderstood… should I cancel everything?>

Ganos Lal is visibly heartbroken at the mere idea of displeasing Null, who is beginning to feel more than a little guilty for being so aggressive.

<No, it’s… it’s my fault, really. I didn’t want to deal with this religious stuff and I let you handle everything, while at the same time telling you to do nothing. You even warned me about this council and I didn’t listen… I shouldn’t get mad at you, Lal.> Noriko admits.

She’s trying to stay calm on the outside, but inside she’s truly mad at herself: nothing of this would’ve happened if she took responsibility for the Church of Null. In her effort to stay neutral, she might have influenced its impact on the Galaxy even more.

<Perhaps there’s still time to limit the damage.> she says.

<Do you wish to reveal your presence and host the Council yourself?> Ganos Lal asks.

<As a last resort. Who is going to attend?>

<There are thirty-seven representatives. I can provide a list.>

<Who are the major players? I’ve already met Xenon and I’ve seen Helen of Troy. Who else?>

<Alexer Syzar of the Mortal Republic and Nike of the Athenian Federation will join us soon. Adrestia, the daughter of Ares, is waiting for us in the Great Chapel. We will also receive delegations from the Winter Kingdom and from Lampyria. The Naqada Galaxy will also send a representative, but we don’t know who it’ll be.>

<How the heck did the Egyptians learn about the council and why do they care!?>

<Apparently you have worshipers among the Naga. As for how they know, Helen has told me that Olympus has a new and radically different foreign policy under Lilith.>

<Who the f#ck is Lilith?> Null wonders.


Hell, 163,000 light-years from Earth

Torn has agreed to sit next to Lilith, but his body language suggests he’s ready to attack her at a moment’s notice. The goddess, on the other hand, seems relaxed and fully enjoying herself.

Vice stays completely neutral and unexpressive.

<You cannot sign this.> Torn warns her, glancing at the scroll resting on the desk of the Lady of All Demons.

<I believe she has been elected by a majority of your population to serve as your leader. A silly concept if you ask me, but who am I to judge?> Lilith comments.

<The treaty prohibits Hell from attacking any sovereign god. We will be left defenseless.>

<On the contrary, Torn! If Hell is ever attacked by any god, either from the Olympian Galaxy or from any pantheon, we will rush to defend it. It’s a win-win for you guys!> Lilith argues.

<Hell needs no one.>

<Yes it does.> Vice replies. Torn can feel her soul in turmoil over this decision; he’s not usually able to sense it, given her immense control over herself, so it must be very tough for her.

<We sustained heavy casualties over the last years. We cannot afford another invasion.>

<We can still count on Null’s help!>

<Null lives in another Galaxy. And Amaterasu has not returned to us after the Eden infection. Hell has not declared war to a god for the past eight hundred million years: this peace treaty is in line with our policy of neutrality.>

<We can’t trust Lilith. She may have changed her name, but she is still the goddess of discord.>

<Which is why I’m finally calling Hell’s bluff.> Lilith intervenes, pointing at a specific point spelled out on the scroll.

<You call yourselves neutral, but you have countless operatives conducting terrorist attacks against my family. Plausible deniability can only get you so far with me. If you sign this, if any Demon participates in any crime against Olympus, he’ll be sentenced to death both by the gods and by Hell itself. Present company definitely included.> she adds, looking straight at Torn.

<And if I refuse to sign?> Vice asks.

<It will be considered an act of war against Olympus. And I will personally recommend to the Nine Gods that your galaxy should be wiped from existence.>

<You are lying.> Torn replies.

<Am I? Am I really?> Lilith asks, smiling.

Vice looks at the scroll, with the weight of Hell on her shoulders. She cuts the palm of her hand to draw a pentagram, then presses her hand against the scroll to provide her signature.

<This is far from over. The Vanguard will…> Torn replies, interrupted by Vice.

<The Vanguard will not speak for Hell anymore. Torn Of The Seventh Circle Of Hell, son of Reaper and Laceration: by the powers vested in me by the Blood… I, Vice Of The First Circle of Hell, Lady Of All Demons, daughter of Assault and Purulence, hereby sentence you to eternal exile from Hell.>

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.