Myridia, 50 light-years from Earth

Cathedral Of The Holy Slayer, Null City

The cathedral is the holiest place of the Church of Null, and the center of worship of the fastest growing religion in the history of the Galaxy.

Built on the spot where Null killed Ares, it holds something that is both the holiest of relics and a devastatingly powerful weapon: the StarScourge sword, capable of destroying planets or annihilating gods with a simple touch.

But today the sword housed in a reliquary in the central nave of the cathedral is not the real deal, just a replica. The actual StarScourge is now in the hands of Ganos Lal, the Supreme Pontiff of the Church of Null, who is carrying it in her arms through the maze of catacombs beneath the cathedral.

<I’d be more comfortable if you gave that thing to me. I don’t want you to drop it and accidentally destroy Myridia.> Kari Zel notes.

<Lady Null has entrusted me with that responsibility. It is through my faith in her that I can carry this, and my faith will not allow me to lose it.> the priestess replies.

<Uhm, you know that the whole reason why you’re able to move that thing is the gizmo Noriko gave you, right? I’ve got one too.> Kari says, pointing at the unassuming metal ring on her pinky.

<Yes, of course. And the ring is a vessel for her power.> Ganos answers, creating a duplicate of herself to open a door that leads to the inner sanctum of the catacombs.

Typically reserved for the rituals carried over by the highest members of the Church, now it’s been converted to a meeting room. Noriko Null is the only person present; she stands up from her chair at the round table that occupies most of the space.

<Good, you made it without accidentally destroying the planet.> she says, gesturing Ganos Lal to hand over the sword. The Supreme Pontiff does so by kneeling down and raising it dramatically.

<It has been my highest honor to care for it and honor its presence on this planet.>

<Yeah I’m gonna take it somewhere safe. Which is definitely not here.> Noriko says, taking the sword. The magnetic field inside the scabbard is the only thing preventing the blade from coming to contact with any form of matter, which would lead to it devouring the planet.

<I… see.> Ganos Lal comments disappointingly, touching the ring.

<You can keep the ring if you want it. It’s basically worthless without the sword.> Noriko shrugs.

Ganos Lal’s face brightens up as she hears Noriko say those words; she would hug her if she wasn’t her goddess.

<Thank you, Lady Null! I shall honor your gift!>

<Sure, whatever. Just remember that nobody is supposed to know I’m here, okay? And nobody is allowed into this chamber until I say so.>

<The will of Null shall be done. Do you require anything else?>

<I’m good. Leave us alone and lock the door behind you.>

<As the Slayer of Gods desires.> Ganos Lal answers, taking a bow and quickly leaving the room.

Kari stares at her with her arms crossed and a disappointing look on her face.

<I can never read that woman. She still gives me the creeps.> she admits.

<She’s a bit… okay she’s really annoying, and I’m still uncomfortable having a whole religion based on me, but I have to say it has its uses.>

<Are you sure it’s safe to do this on Myridia? Couldn’t you hold this meeting in the Null Zone?>

<The fewer gods learn how to access that dimension, the better. And I know this is a risk, but I have my insurance.> Noriko answers, tapping on the scabbard of the StarScourge sword that is now secured to her belt.

<No offense, but you had that weapon against Ares and you still died. Just watch your back, okay?>

<That’s what I have the Vanguard for. Alright… let’s get this started.> Noriko says, taking a deep breath and then pressing a button on her N-Watch.

Multiple portals appear around the round table. Torn is the first one to step out of a pentagram-shaped one, dragging behind him a visibly drunk Dionysus.

His wife Agony, the current Lady Of All Demons of Hell, follows from another pentagram, escorting the android queen of the Amazons, Tecmessa.

Quantum appears from the light signaling the use of the Portal Generator, bringing with him Helen of Troy: the widow of Apollo is wearing her marble mask to avoid overwhelming the mortals with her supernatural beauty. Another familiar teleportation signature signals the arrival of Aura, the Acting President of the Mortal Republic; the eight feet tall giantess literally looks down at all the people present, but especially those who soon follow.

Hermes and Enyo appear in the blink of an eye, forcing the young goddess Tyche to sit down at the table; she’s clearly not here on her own free will, being immobilized by chains of Neutral Matter.

<Well well, looks like the place is getting quite crowded pretty quickly!> Hermes exclaims, just as the most unusual portal heralds a new arrival.

<That is fine by me! The more the better!> Aphrodite giggles, appearing out of a cloud of rose petals that fills the air with sweet perfume. Tyche tries to get her mother’s attention, but being bound and gagged makes things difficult since Null is disrupting her attempt to create radio waves.

<Oh hi sweetie! Glad to see you’re having fun. When do we start? I’m so excited! I don’t think I’ve ever been in a room with so many people wearing clothes!> Aphrodite says, stretching her arms; something most of the room appreciates, since she’s not wearing anything from the waist up.

<I specifically asked you to wear clothes.> Noriko complains, turning her head and holding up her hand to cover her peripheral vision.

<I’m wearing a girdle.> Aphrodite shrugs.

With Aphrodite being the center of everyone’s attention, even those pretending otherwise, Vesta arrives without much fanfare escorting the most significant god to show up so far: Hebe, goddess of youth and the most legitimate heir to the Throne of Olympus.

<Uhm, hi, everyone.> Hebe timidly greets them, waving her hand nervously.

<Are we done? Any more people and there won’t be enough wine.> Dionysus says.

<I was hoping someone else would join, but… yeah we breast get this started. I mean best. Can someone please give Aphrodite something to wear!?> Noriko asks, beginning to blush.

<Do we have to?> Kari, Hermes and Quantum say at exactly the same time. Queen Tecmessa is the one to take action, removing her ceremonial cape and walking towards Aphrodite.

<You better cover yourself. Those weak organic minds are unable to restrain themselves.> she says, handing over the cape to the nearly naked goddess.

<Ooh, a sexbot! I kept saying to Hephaestus to build more of those!>

<I am the Queen of the Amazons. I am immune to your basic biological charm.> Tecmessa replies coldly, shoving Aura aside in order to sit next to Aphrodite.

<Hey, that’s my seat!> the giantess objects.

<Not anymore. I wish to keep a close eye to Aphrodite, for purely strategic purposes.>

<I already have to suffer the indignity of being in the same room of these mass murderers, I will NOT be treated with disrespect!> Aura shouts.

<Well. It lasted longer than I expected.> Kari sighs.

<Far for me from questioning the Regent of Hell, Null, but I have to wonder for what purpose we are all here.> Agony points out.

<I bet it’s so that Hebe can surrender and stop her war against Earth.> Dionysus says.

<What? I didn’t even declare war! You did!> Hebe replies.

<Oh, yeah. My bad.> Dionysus corrects himself.

<I must admit I am also not sure about this meeting. Why are Hermes and Enyo here? You defeated them, shouldn’t they be dead? Are we here to witness their execution? Is that why Tyche is bound against her will?> Tecmessa wonders.

<I’ve invited you all here for a good reason, trust me. And it’s not to kill you.> Null replies.

<I want to believe you, I really do, but you are carrying the weapon that killed my own brother.> Hebe points out.

<You didn’t raise a finger when Ares murdered Ilithyia, don’t pretend to be heartbroken.> Enyo comments, to which Hebe replies:

<And you tried to kill our mother at the Strongest Under The Heavens tournament!>

<Girls, girls, please! We could stay here all day talking about who tried to murder who, and who stabbed which back, but…> Hermes tries to mediate.

<You should know. The last time Null forged an alliance of mortals and gods was to oppose you and Eris from taking over the Galaxy. It’s the whole reason the Mortal Republic was born. And now we’re supposed to trust you?> Aura recalls.

<I take responsibility over Hermes, and Enyo for that matter, to behave themselves in the best interest of this new alliance.> Noriko intervenes.

<Is that what we are here for? To forge an alliance?> Helen wonders.

<We are here because the galaxy is at a tipping point, now that Zeus has abdicated. This is a unique opportunity: I have gathered here everyone with a shred of influence on the Olympian Galaxy…> Noriko explains, interrupted by Hermes who adds:

<Everyone except Hera and Athena.>

<I have my reasons for excluding Athena. As for Hera, I guess at this point all of you have figured out what is the next inevitable step.>

<You want to take over Olympus.> Aura deduces.

<None of us is strong enough to take on Hera alone. Besides, the galaxy is too big and too fractured to be controlled by a single person anyway. Even Zeus couldn’t figure that out.> Noriko says.

<Zeus is an idiot.> Tecmessa comments.

<You’re talking about my father!!!> Enyo shouts, standing up and slamming her fist on the table; as a testament to her newfound control, she doesn’t smash it.

<My point stands.> Tecmessa coldly replies.

<You little…> the war goddess grumbles, ready to rip the android to shreds; she stops when Noriko gets the StarScourge a couple of millimeters out of the scabbard, which is enough to summon a gust of wind as air rushes towards the blade to be absorbed into nothingness.

No words are necessary: Enyo just sits back down, sulking.

For a few seconds, silence fills the room.

<Got it out of your system? Good, because the next one to throw a tantrum gets a taste of the StarScourge. Here’s my point: Zeus has abdicated, and other than Hera every single other god who aspired to rule the Olympian Galaxy has either been killed… usually by me… or has changed his mind. There’s absolutely no reason left to continue the hostilities. So here’s my proposal.> Noriko explains, taking out a surprisingly low tech object out of her leather jacket: a scroll, which she unfolds over the table as a holographic projector creates a shining replica of its text for everyone to read.

<This is the Galactic Charter… kind of the Magna Charta of space. It’s a pledge to respect certain rights of mortals and to renounce to war as a way to increase one’s territory. All of you are going to sign it and then join me in an assault against Hera.>

<Wait a second. The document also asks us to recognize Hebe as the legitimate heir to the Throne of Olympus and pledge allegiance to her.> Tecmessa notes, the quickest to read the whole thing.

<It does. There’s no way I can convince Athena to sign the Charter, but she is a vassal to Olympus; if we confirm Hebe as the next queen, Athena will have to obey her.> Noriko explains.

<That’s insane! And who guarantees Athena is not going to take over Olympus the moment Hera isn’t there to oppose her!?> Aura protests.

<I AM.> a cold voice replies, filling the room with dread. A hooded figure hidden by a dark cloak has just appeared right behind Null, casting above her the shadow of the Lord Of The Dead.

<Hades, I was hoping you’d join us.> she greets him, being the only one pleased to see the god.

<Null has provided me with proof that Athena has been behind the crimes of the Zenith, the terrorist group headed by Ulysses. I will personally veto her ascension to the throne and officially endorse Hebe’s legitimacy. And I will also protect Olympus from any attack from Poseidon, who will certainly oppose your fight against Hera.>

<Thanks uncle. It means a lot to me… and I agree that my mother has gone too far. But no matter how much she’s hurt me over the eons, I can’t endorse her murder.> Hebe says.

<Neither will I or Zeus. But Null and I have come up with another solution.> Hades replies, placing his hand on Null’s shoulder. The level of comfort she shows around one of the Nine Gods shocks most people present, as does Hades getting so involved in the affairs of Olympus.

<Oh, and another thing… in case anyone present is thinking about not signing the charter. I promised that I wouldn’t kill any of you… but Hades made no such promise.>

A lot of eyes shift back and forth, with multiple plans and alliances being built and scrapped in the course of a few seconds.

<Any questions?> Noriko Null asks, being the first to sign the Galactic Charter.

<I do.> Aura finally works up the courage to say, standing up to point and Null to declare:

<Did you seriously think I would ever…>

Before she can finish, a new unexpected portal appears: space itself warps, twisting itself in knots to allow free passage to a woman wearing a dark cloak and holding a plasma rifle.

<The Zenith sends its regards.> Skorpios says, opening fire.

End of issue. Click below to navigate chapters.